Minecraft Maps / Complex

Ancient Egyptian City, Raniwt (City of the Sun)

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Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
A fictional Ancient Egyptian city based on middle/late kingdom egypt with a temple complex, a palace complex, shopping centers, restaurants and many more.This project took far longer than the previous one and it is far more grand with a story behinde all the buildings.

The catch is that you have to piece together the history of this place by exploring tombs and the library to read ancient texts.

i hope you enjoy this project since i put a lot of effort into it. :)

The next project will take A LOT longer since i plan on making bigger and better quality than all the others. To give you a little hint the next city is going to be set in a greek medieval setting so it is going to be a lot different than the others
Progress100% complete

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11/13/2024 1:12 pm
He/Him • Level 52 : Grandmaster Cookie Sniffer
