Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Angel Statue

  • 526 views, 6 today
  • 77 downloads, 1 today
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Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
This is a cool angel statue i have building did. I have done this in the current minecraft version so it works great and looks awesome.This is a cool angel statue i have building did. I have done this in the current minecraft version so it works great and looks awesome.This is a cool angel statue i have building did. I have done this in the current minecraft version so it works great and looks awesome.This is a cool angel statue i have building did. I have done this in the current minecraft version so it works great and looks awesome.This is a cool angel statue i have building did. I have done this in the current minecraft version so it works great and looks awesome.This is a cool angel statue i have building did. I have done this in the current minecraft version so it works great and looks awesome.
Progress100% complete

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