This Map is an entry in the completed Minecraft Sky Limit Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

[Angelblock app] Fluentem Lana

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Level 71 : Legendary Architect
HELLO! It's been a while since I've posted anything in planet minecraft so I made this. Fluentem Lana! This project is both an Angel block app and is for the Sky limit contest.

With the arrival of 1.3 and its emeralds Steve became rich! So rich that he became sick of the ground and built a massive airship. He detonated over 9000 TNT behind the ship and broke the height limit barrier. While exploring the skies ( and starving because he forgot to pack food) Steve discovered something that lots of people have seen before in previous builds. Floating Islands!. He detected some magic in the air. There was only a little of it, but would still be usable. Steve decided to construct structures that would focus the magic surrounding these islands and use it to make a new empire!.

STORY (Building)
The central structure is named Fluentem Nala, for its flowiness. Hundreds of versions ago the structure was built by the steves of old to protect against magical deper demons that would destroy the eternity cube, making everything spherical and ruining minecraft. The steves of old, believing in the power cubes, stored the eternity cube within the structure. They believed that the deper demons would not look for the eternity cube in a non cuby building. The demons, frustrated in not finding the eternity cube, began a mass genocide of all the steves. Nearly all the steves were wiped out except for a baby steve trapped in ice and sent far into the future. Thousands of years past and the last remaining steve wakes up in a strange world. All the other steves are dead or mutated into horrible monsters. You are the last steve. You must retrieve the eternity cube and do something (I have no idea what) to turn back all the monsters into steves and stop the deper demons from ruining minecraft.


The 3 structures surrounding the main tower use magic to power it and prevent it from collapsing. The magical tree of Ice collects surrounding magical energy. The energy is too scattered to be of any use. This is where the next tower comes in. The next tower concentrates the magical energy into something usable and sends onto the last tower. The last tower sends the energy to the top of the main structure. The top then distributes the magical energy to keep it from collapsing and at the same time keeping the islands afloat.

One who did everything because friends all updated to 1.3 and didn't care enough about him enough to downgrade: carloooo

Please DIAMOND ,COMMENT AND FAVORITE THIS Because I care for you guys (not unlike some people who didnt help)
Progress100% complete

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07/24/2014 6:01 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
This is Art
10/06/2013 1:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
A little late to ask something such as this, considering that the project is roughly a year old, but I was wondering how exactly did you create such perfect looking floating island's? Did you use WorldPainter and import a schematic to a server, or did you just use world edit and voxel sniper?
10/22/2013 1:25 pm
Level 42 : Master Network
The islands weren't made by carloooo, however I'm pretty sure that the creator of the contest map used Voxel Sniper and World Edit
05/10/2013 10:11 am
Level 22 : Expert Spelunker
Do you use shaders, or a rendering program? If it's a rendering program you must have a lot of patience to take all those pictures
07/11/2013 9:08 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
those are shaders.
04/16/2013 8:30 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
I think you have tooooooo much Time...
11/05/2012 7:20 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
this is amaaazing very well done!
10/09/2012 4:47 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Amazing detail. Congratulations on being accepted.
10/04/2012 9:29 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
Wow. I am being perfectly honest here, I have never seen a Build with such detail, art, and

You have definitely earned that spot in the Angel Block Society. Congratulations and well.... Wow.
And I'm not just saying this to be nice

09/21/2012 3:13 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Necromancer
congrats on accepting to angel block!
