Minecraft Maps / Educational

Anglo-Saxon Alfredian Burh [880 - 1066 A.D.]

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai

This map was built using a custom Resource Pack that is in progress, which was graciously borrowed from its founder: Father_Samuel and built upon. Subscribe to him! He is amazing! Father Samuel is very involved with RomeCraft at the moment, and has allowed us to use and build upon this secret resource-pack that he started, AngloCraft. Please download and use this Resource Pack when viewing this map. It contains custom weapon, armor, shield, and block textures as well as skins for NPCs.

AngloCraft Version 1 Resource Pack Download

This map was created in Minecraft version 1.14.4.

Hello all! This is my first team build. Granted, the team was just me and one other person:
Shuddershockbailiff. It requires a custom Resource Pack to be viewed properly. It contains NPCs, all skinned by Shuddershockbailiff which are set up and shown around the map. Think of it like exploring a historical moment frozen in time. All building interiors are furnished.

Shuddershockbailiff and I met each-other through a server of mine a while back and realized that we had found a rare connection. He had an interest in creating Early Medieval Northern European skins and I was fostering a recent interest in creating Early Medieval Northern European maps & builds. Our artistry had to come together, and although life got in the way for a while, we eventually got together to make this. And more projects are to come!

So what is this, historically wise?

This is an Anglo-Saxon Alfredian Burh. In the late 9th century, a century of raids and invasions by Vikings in England prompted Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, to develop many new systems of defense for his Kingdom. Alfred began a policy encouraging the formation of fortified towns, or burhs, throughout his lands, such that no place in Wessex was more than 20 miles from a town. In exchange for free plots of land within the towns, settlers provided a defence force. The burhs were also encouraged to become centres of commerce and local government.

The burhs were remarkable for their time in that they used a regular grid pattern of streets - not unlike the old Roman towns. Indeed, in many cases, pre-existing Roman town sites were re-used to create Saxon towns, but other times they were build from scratch out of earth and wood, like the one we built.

The main point of a Burh was to essentially shut out incoming Viking armies. Before Burhs, most of England was essentially unfortified settlements. Viking armies could easily occupy important and strategic local towns and impose their will if no Saxon army was formed nearby. With Burhs, no matter where a Viking army went, a fortified town lay not far away, allowing the local populace quick access to shelter. A burh was staffed by regular guard patrols and scouts, and acted as a safe meeting place to assemble a royal or local army, as well as a useful refueling station to armies on the move. Only a small royal army need be kept in the field to shadow a Viking army because reinforcements could be easily called up from nearby Burhs, wherever they went.

Anglo-Saxon Alfredian Burh [880 - 1066 A.D.] Minecraft Map

Anglo-Saxon Alfredian Burh [880 - 1066 A.D.] Minecraft Map
The BuildTeam: Dwarfsosi and ShuddershockBailiff.

More Images
Anglo-Saxon Alfredian Burh [880 - 1066 A.D.] Minecraft Map

Coppice Farm

Inside the Church

The Shrine of a certain Saint Osgud

A Couple's Home

Inside the Stables

Directly Above

Farming Village

CreditShuddershockbailiff, Father_Samuel
Progress100% complete

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06/15/2020 1:24 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Will the texture pack be available for 1.15?
06/15/2020 2:05 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Yes, probably soon on a server but maybe not publicly
06/13/2020 3:52 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
You don't see much of this represented in Minecraft. I think it's brilliant. You deserved two diamonds. One for bringing such historical accuracy and enlightening it. The other because the build looks great.
06/13/2020 6:13 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Wow, thank you for the kind words. There's more of this to come!
06/11/2020 6:40 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
06/10/2020 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
finnaly someone built this diamond from me!
06/13/2020 6:14 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Same, I was waiting for something like this. Figured I'd have to do it
Flop Exclusive
06/10/2020 8:53 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Scribe
I always love to see more historical themed projects popping up on PMC, especially from you guys. Keep it up!
06/10/2020 9:04 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Thank you Father! We will!
06/10/2020 9:20 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Imposter
Looks great! Love the detail you've put into the streets and the decorations, really brings it to life. are you guys a part of another server now?
