Minecraft Maps / Complex

Apple Park (Apple Campus 2) Megabuild

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Captain6283185's Avatar Captain6283185
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
This was an attempt to create Apple's "spaceship" campus, Apple Park (also known as Apple Campus 2), in Minecraft. I started the project on December 28th, 2015, and I successfully finished it on April 4th of this year (2017). What drew me to this is my appreciation for end to end design and a crazy idea in my head that said "Hey let's build the world's curviest campus in a video game based on cubes." It features everything the real campus does save the underground parking garage, from a fully furnished fitness center (complete with yoga mats, saunas, treadmills, and more) to an absolutely massive central ring. Anyways, here are a few key points of interest:

-It's a 1:1 full scale replica
-It's massive
-This is built entirely by hand (no mods)
-It took 413 hours.
-It's terrain-accurate, based off topographical maps of Cupertino and the official landscaping plans
-Each hill, path, and orchard are true to the construction plans, down the the placement of each handcrafted cherry tree.
-All the general areas are fully furnished (so, the fitness center, atriums, cafes, maintenance building, Glendenning Barn, everywhere but the office space)
-There are 28 cafes spread throughout main building, plus 2 outdoor cafes, 1 (presumably healthy) cafe in the fitness center, and of course the main cafeteria.
-A megabuild is any Minecraft build utilizing at least one million blocks (people kept wondering).

It's the voxel equivalent of fine pixel art, on a scale I don't believe has ever been done before. To put it into perspective, the surface area alone of the campus (excluding phase 2) is 153 acres, or 620,000 square meters (a block in Minecraft is 1 cubic meter).

Download note: This was built one an Xbox One. I incorrectly assumed I'd be able to transfer the save file to my computer upon completion to share it with you guys. Unfortunately, after hours of finagling, angry words, and even some rudimentary hard drive hacking, I was unable to retrieve it. Curse you Microsoft and your determination to prevent people from hacking their save files! If anyone is skilled in hacking or works for Microsoft in a relevant area, I'd value your help in retrieving the file to share with the Minecraft community.
CreditMy friend Joedub, for assistance with some of the finer design elements
Progress100% complete

12 Update Logs

Update #11 : by Captain6283185 04/10/2017 12:10:54 amApr 10th, 2017

Uploaded a new video showcasing the project as a whole. I'm rather proud of it.

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07/11/2020 8:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
miguelgargallo's Avatar
01/21/2020 1:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Vilivasek's Avatar
Why I can't download it?
09/19/2019 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Kaitjee's Avatar
Please try to release it!!
11/11/2018 3:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
VXkiller85's Avatar
If you see this you can create a realm or add me on Xbox app (win 10) VXpro 447 so I can download the world in game files cuz stuff that I am too lazy to explain
06/21/2018 2:47 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
SaruwatariKaito's Avatar
Could open in the bedrock edition, then copy into realms then download on windows
04/27/2018 10:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LegitMichel777's Avatar
Looks so awesome. So the issue here is that you can't port it over to the Anvil format? Can't you release it on LevelDb format for us Pocket Edition players, Windows 10 players, VR players, etc..
04/27/2018 10:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LegitMichel777's Avatar
REALLY want the download. It looks so cool and I can't wait to check it out for myself
03/04/2018 6:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
primos123's Avatar
You made the measurements on planet minecraft.
09/30/2017 1:36 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
SaruwatariKaito's Avatar
09/13/2017 9:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sin1233's Avatar
Please send the map to this email.
Thank you very much.
(p.s.There may be many typos because Korean)
