This Map is an entry in the completed Minecraft Magic Event.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Arena of Chaos (1.18.1)

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Level 41 : Master Wizard
Welcome to Arena of Chaos, this map is made for the PMC “Minecraft Magic Event” and it's a [LVL 3] entry. To play this map, you must install the Magic PvP Framework data pack by Bertiecrafter.

Alongside the Magic PvP Framework, it's required that you install additional data packs that the community has made for this event to have some spells to play with!

Optional things that you can install to further enhance your experience in this map includes:
- Texture packs made by the community for this event.
- Player skins.

- Mob skins.

Map Features

- All of the features of a [​LVL 3] map
- Can be played with 2 to 4 players

- Main Lobby with 4 armories
- Map modifiers that can be toggled on/off (Read more below for more information!)

Map Modifiers
In the main lobby, there's a few map modifiers that you can turn on/off. Here's the list of them and how they work:

- Change time to day/night
- Enable/Disable speed boost (Gives a permanent speed II boost to all of the players in the arena)
- Enable/Disable particles (This affects all of the custom ambient particles in the main lobby, armories and arena)
- Enable/Disable mob spawners (This makes mobs spawn in the arena using a custom spawning method. It's useful for data packs that require mobs)
- Enable/Disable Chaos mode (Read more below for more information on this mode!)

Chaos Mode
In the main lobby, one of the modifiers that you can toggle on/off is chaos mode. In this mode, each player will have a "Chaos Mana" bar that will bring more variety into the combat. You'll be able to spend your "Chaos mana" on mini powerups that will give you an advantage during the fight! Here's the list of all of the powerups and how they work:

- Elytra (Cost: 25 Mana) : Teleports you up in the air near the middle of the arena and gives you the slow fall effect for 8sec.
- Sugar (Cost: 30 Mana) : Gives you the Speed VII effect for 12sec.
- Ghast tear (Cost: 35 Mana) : Gives you the Regeneration III effect for 8sec.
- Amethyst Shard (Cost: 30 Mana) : Gives the Glowing effect to all of your opponents for 10sec.
- Golden Carrot (Cost: 30 Mana) : Gives you the Invisibility effect for 15sec.
- Rabbit's Foot (Cost: 35 Mana) : Gives you the Speed V and Jump boost IV effect for 12sec.
- Crying Obsidian (Cost: 25 Mana) : Teleports you to another location.
- Glistering Melon Slice (Cost: 45 Mana) : Instantly heals you for 16 health (8 hearts).

Important Server Settings

- enable-command-block=true
- spawn-protection=0

Recommended Settings
- Render distance: 10 (or above)
- Particles: All
- Clouds: OFF

Bugs & Issues
If you find any bugs/issues, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix them!
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by rustycreeper 09/29/2023 11:38:13 pmSep 29th, 2023

General Changes
- Reduced world size to 1 MB by deleting unused chunks (was 3.6 MB)
- Added franpato as a map collaborator

Bug fixes
- Fixed a visual bug with the powerups when playing in multiplayer
- Fixed spawn location of the map when playing in singleplayer

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02/25/2022 10:26 am
Level 21 : Expert uwu
Wo, great map! Never seen anything like this!
02/25/2022 10:26 am
Level 21 : Expert uwu
Hope u win!!
02/24/2022 1:01 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Took around a few flying rounds around this map to get some more feeling. Only to realize you went all-out in the best kind of way. Quite few command-blocks stuff I am not familiar with. Kinda handy setting advice for map users I think I will take some inspiration for my own map ;-).

The only thing that seems kinda buggy is the player count while entering the arena. As a single player on the map (on single-player); I can enter the armory -> ready myself -> enter the arena in the normal way (pressing button) WITHOUT a second player.
Nor do I see if others are in the armories prepping themselves or are ready...
Or is this intentionally and people can enter whenever there is an armory free....
02/24/2022 6:47 pm
Level 41 : Master Wizard
Thanks! It was certainly a bit tricky to create the powerups, but it was pretty easy to create more of them after I made the first one!

And yeah, I intentionally made it like that in case some people wants to explore the map in single-player!
02/22/2022 1:54 am
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
This is an epic arena. I only asked for a basic box with just enough redstone to allow players to get wands and send spells flying at each other, but this dude just creates a whole Hypixel minigame.

Seriously, great work! Love the added Chaos Mode power ups.
02/23/2022 6:35 am
Level 41 : Master Wizard
Thanks! I’m glad you like it :)
