Minecraft Maps / Other

Arwin ~ An Updated Witch Hut!

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Level 45 : Master Dragon


Hello, i'm very sorry i've been offline for such a longperiodof time. i've been in a rather dire situation with school and such, but now i'm back, i'll be postingregularlyagain, anyway. This house is my concept of what thedefaultwitch hut in Minecraft should have looked like. I got the inspiration from google imaging "Fantasy cottage" this house has a total of 4 rooms. one cupboard, one bedroom, one living area, and one stairwell area, each withtheirown personal touch. anyway, i shall be leaving now, i'll hopefully haveanotherupload online today, but for nowfarewell.
Progress100% complete

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10/30/2013 12:38 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Awesome Ben! :)
