Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Asian Fantasy Valley - Wasure rareta tani

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Level 13 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Wasure rareta tani:
Your eyes slowly open, bars of bright colour irritate your sensitive sclera but you don’t stop. You subconsciously have stood up and lift your right hand to give your eyes a quick rub, it seems to help ease the pain. You then look at both of your hands, each finger is shaking at a different frequency, you try to calm them but your attempts of muscle tension end up in further shaking. You decide to give up and let them seizure. You take a second to notice your surroundings, your attention is instantly drawn to the large red structure with thick pillars on either side of you shooting upwards. The base of the pillars are overgrown and subterranean in parts, there is grass all around the area that you can see, but your vision must be impaired at this time as you cant see anything but sky further than 5 meters away. You crane your neck up and squint your eyes to see more red pillars extended out in adjacent directions to the vertical ones. The structure has a roof made out of stone slates, there are gaps in places and weeds suffocate all around. You begin to take a step but before your foot can return to the ground, you feel the ground shake, your heart begins to race and you drop onto your hands and knees. You don’t understand what is going on, reality starts to hit, what is going on? You see a purple glow fill your peripherals, then you hear the roar, deafening, your vision turns back to blurry, and then to black. You hear nothing but sweet silence. Minutes pass before finally you hear footsteps. “Okaerinasai, no kyodai.”

Long ago in a large valley, on an island west of Honshu Japan, lived 4 Ainu tribes. Each tribe followed one of the 4 dragon gods. They had many disagreements and wars. But one man decided there had been enough bloodshed, he sought out the monks living at the top of the highest peak and begged them for their help, after many hours of discussion, they finally agreed. The monks kept the valley in peace by introducing the tribe leaders to council. Instead of wars they began to focus on technology and development of their homes, finding strengths and gaining knowledge they never knew could exist. It wasn’t long before the monks discovered the powers of the dragon gods. In their temple they practiced the mystical arts, and soon the dragon gods bestowed upon the 4 top priests an orb each of immense power, and the egg of unknown origin but rumored to be the egg of the savior. The priests were to protect the orbs and use them for good, but one disobeyed the dragon gods and used his orb to speak with dark creatures deep beneath the earth. The dragons were displeased to hear about this treachery so they plunged the valley back into chaos, all life was lost except 2 brothers. Both brothers attempted to escape the carnage, but one was caught right before he could board his vessel. The one who escaped lived the rest of his days in Japan writing scripture about the valley and the island, or so he thought. The Forgotten Valley soon became legend all over Japan and China. The island has never been found… except for now.
Progress100% complete

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03/24/2018 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how i cant install the map
03/24/2018 3:58 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Ah it is found on the server mc.fruitservers.net on the creative server /plot home Aptitudes 2
03/24/2018 7:42 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Assuming you've got full access to worldedit (FAWE?), you should be able to copy the plot and use //download, if you'd want to publish it as a schematic. Though ofc. not sure if you'd want to
03/24/2018 11:56 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragonborn
I might do that for specific parts of the build, we shall see
03/24/2018 2:22 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Awesome project! Definitely got yourself a new subscriber.
03/24/2018 4:06 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Thank you very much!
03/24/2018 4:38 am
Level 71 : Legendary Skinner
lovely <3
03/24/2018 6:04 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragonborn
thx babe
