Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

AT-ST: Imperial Scout Walker

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Bad Breaker
Level 59 : Grandmaster System
Optimized for "Mine Wars"-Texture Pack - http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/mine-wars/

May look weird with different Texture Pack!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Bad Breaker 10/14/2011 7:19:56 pmOct 14th, 2011

Optimized for "Mine Wars"-Texture Pack by yokoolio!

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09/10/2014 6:12 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Very well done! Its hard to make an AT-ST look good, either it gets to small or to big. You still play Minecraft? If you want you could join our StarWars server and help us build. We currently have: The Death Star (big) with the Cellblocks, the Emperors throneroom, The bridge, The superlaser tunnel, the meeting room, 4 big hangars with Tie Fighters, the Trash Compactor, The Tractor Beam area, The core and a lot of other floors and rooms. We have Mos Eisley with the Cantina, the Imperial Garrisson and the Falcon, Endor with the Deflector sheild and bunker, Lukes Farm at Tatooine, Obi-Wans home at Tatooine, Jabbas palace, the Sarlacc pit monster, Jawas sandcrawler, Naboo (creative world), Geonosis, Couruscant (with city), the Jedi Temple from Couruscant, Alderaan (with plots) and Hoth with the Rebel Base and AT-ATs. 

The page is here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/vampas-minecraft-server-2958936/
 Look for me: The_Price (DarthVader nickname). 

Mabye well see you there! / Price
