Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Attack on titan Adventure map: The Reiner takedown.

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Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
i have been working on allot of things to do with redstone. But this may be my biggest project of em all. This adventure map is for 1.8! You will explore the Trost district looking for a fuel pack and find yourself in a fight wiyh a rare but crucial titan. The smiling titan. You will then proceed to Shiganshina to find eren's masement. This is where my hands are tied with redstone. I'm trying to add cutscenes with the new 1.8 software so that you don't have to read intros. Just cannot program em so for now its spammy delivering all of the info. I will update everytime i add something to keep you guys posted.
Progress25% complete

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12/21/2014 3:41 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
I agree it sound epic
08/04/2014 6:54 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
sounds awesome can i do an lp when your done. :)
