Minecraft Maps / Other

Automated minecart transportation system (without mods)

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Level 22 : Expert Engineer
I am working on a fully automated system for users to call and launch in a minecart system such as a subway.

I have done extensive systems in the past - before pistons were introduced and created a system that worked pretty good. Pretty good is not enough for me, I want a system that is flawless - bug free.

My ideal minecart system consists of the following:
  • Minecart launcher that is platform activated
  • Automated timed launching of the cart requiring no user input
  • Remove abandoned carts from the system
  • Track selection
  • Fault tolerance
  • Reliability

Below is what has been accomplished so far:

-Mincart Launcher 100%
Minecart launcher that is redstone activated using a piston to push a cart from the cart magazine onto the outgoing track to the station platform
-Automated timed launcher 100%
Launches the minecart 3 seconds after arriving at the platform
-Platform activation 100%
A cart dispenses from the minecart launcher after a user steps up on the platform, the user also hears a nice little ding similar to the NBC theme.

*Schematic for the minecart launcher is now available!
Progress50% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by computerdemon 11/11/2011 2:14:03 amNov 11th, 2011

Schematic now available for the minecart launcher

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