Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Bamboo Farm / Auto Smelter Combo

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deadbender's Avatar deadbender
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
Me and Stubbs1 worked on this together, and it's pretty interesting. Moving to an autosmelter/tree-farm combo now since bamboo is so inefficient, but if you're rarely smelting and have the time to build up the bamboo needed this could be a pretty good build!

- Everything underground
- Most compact version possible of this farm (as far as we know :D)
- Redstone Clock setup to allow for the carts to refill

Once again, TomConn did most of the work (and he has allowed me to post this), I just came up with the concept of combining these two farms and helped out a little bit in the testing and design process :D
CreditTomConn and his Redstone Skills
Progress100% complete

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