Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Bone Meal To Bamboo Converter - 9000 bamboo / hour

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Level 37 : Artisan Botanist
Hey planetminecrafters,

today I would like to share a bone meal to bamboo converter. It's really good to jump start and fuel a furnace array.

The design comes in two variants. In the first one, the bamboo is delivered to another place (e.g. furnace array) and in the second, the bamboo is placed into a chest.

Other attributes are:
* Easy collection system
* Bone meal Efficient: Every piece of bone meal creates exactly 1.5 bamboo
* Fast, but also lag friendly. The output is 9000 bamboo per hour.

Litematica files are also included in the world download. The water collection was inspired by Etho's bamboozler.

---- Borb
Progress100% complete

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