Minecraft Maps / Pixel Art

Bunnies In Suits, I repeat: Bunnies In Suits!

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Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Hello internet, I''m here again today to share with you another one of my creations.

So I was getting bored while trying to figure out what to do next in my let''s play series so I decided to take a break and build something in creative, and this is what I've built!

So like imagine bunnies, they're cute and adorable right? But what if like, and just hear me out... What if bunnies had suits? :O

He's *ahem* ADORABLE and I just had to show him to the world!
(ha big troubles with his ears to be honest, but for like a 15 minute build he's not too bad)
Progress100% complete

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01/21/2025 8:22 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
ooh, very cute. I enjoy your pixel art creations and think you should try making them into custom mob skins! They would be so cool!
