Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

C425 Jaybird Fictional Airliner (1.21.4+) | Schematic

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Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Hello Everyone!
I will present you a custom and fictional airliner based on the real world British Aerospace 146!

This is the C425 Jaybird, a single-aisle regional airliner built by the fictional Clint Aircraft Co. meant to replace the aging BAe 146 (British Aerospace 146) aircraft.
What can you do?
  • Make up your own livery!
  • Blow it up by your own will!
  • Use it for your airport build! (with credits ofc)

How do i paste it into the game?
  1. download the schematic
  2. open up the game files
  3. search up "schematics"
  4. drag and drop the schematic

Important info:
Please do NOT redistribute this build and claim it as your own.

Progress100% complete

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