Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Cairnwood Skyport

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Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Cairnwood Skyport was inspired by a skyport of similar style seen on another server.

This skyport (on the server) is a work-in-progress and will be used in conjunction with VoxelPort to take point around the normal world and into the SkyLands zone.

It's fairly large and is on natural terrain, we only cut down a few small hills. Anywhere flat would be a good place for it.

There is work to be done (Cargo area for the crane, port for cargo ships to dock/drop items off).


The schematic was created from the SOUTHWEST corner. It was copied from Y70 to skybox in a NATURALLY flat area. Worldedit was NOT used to flatten this location. The goal was to build with the terrain, not fight it.

The texture pack is DokuCraft (Light & Fluffy)

Additional Notes

As soon as I remember the name of the server I first saw this type of project on, I will give credit where credit is due for the inspiration.

This was created from memory with many additions (though theirs was far more elegant)
CreditLegenKiller666, zml2008, chmauro, rockonbry21
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Ham_Shambler 06/22/2011 3:07:34 amJun 22nd, 2011

New plans:

Change the crane to have a more hook-like appearance

Add cargo area near crane, begin planning of Coastal port for product delivery (will be a separate project)

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08/19/2011 2:58 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
im probably gonna sound retarded right now, but how do i download this?
08/21/2011 10:24 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
You need to click the "Download Schematic" link. It's on the right side.

You'll need MCEdit or WorldEdit (SinglePlayerCommands or WorldEdit for Bukkit) to import it.
06/22/2011 4:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
1 word Awesome
06/22/2011 3:08 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Oops, forgot to set the correct completion percentage.
M1n4cr2ft dud4
06/22/2011 2:50 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
06/22/2011 2:31 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Note: There is no warp to this, however it is located @ X 3429, Z 2939

Which happens to be a massive walk from spawn. If you'd like to see it and an admin is on, let them know you saw the project on PlanetMinecraft and you would like to see it.

Be aware, some of my admins are dicks ;p *looks at chmauro*
