Minecraft Maps / Other

Call Of Duty Black Ops 'FIVE' Zombie map in Minecraft

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Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Have you been playing Minecraft?

Have you played CoD Black Ops?

Do you even know what the map 'FIVE' is?

WELL! The map 'FIVE' is from Call Of Duty Black Ops zombies.

I made the map with a friend and submitted it in a zombie map comp and ended up winning :) It is not until today that I have decided to make a YouTube video of the map to show the world a creative good looking map of FIVE. (I have seen other copies and they don't seem as detailed.) And now I show it for all to see, BUT! Because it is my choice wether to upload the map or not. I have decided not to. BUT you can of course play the map on the zombie server I have submitted it to. (I.P below..) Let me know on how you think it looks by watching the video I have made.

I.P for server: alpha.pu-mc.com (Need to apply for Alpha tester! Link to forum below.)

Forum: http://prevailuniverse.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2746

Please take time to leave some comments on what you think of the map :)

Additional Notes

My Minecraft IGN: ROBDIE

My friends Minecraft IGN: Rhysboy90

My YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Robdie12

My friends YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/XxDaWnMoDxX
CreditMyself and my friend. (IGN's above)
Progress100% complete

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01/03/2014 2:39 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
Very Impressed but I think it would be Great if you could make a Copy or something of this map or Kino der toten (Thats My favorite) Thats Compatible with Ferrulos Gun Mod...I just think it would be cool maybe like ammo crates that change avalability every five minutes or something. Just a suggestion Great map bye

-Tykin (=
01/08/2014 5:53 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Thanks for the comment :)

I want to make all the zombie maps but don't really have the time. I'll try what you have said some time and might upload another video with the Ferrulos Gun Mod.
01/08/2014 12:42 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
Ok Thanks. What map Are You going to do next? I'm trying To Make Some Maps But I DON'T Have the Game....But My friend Does And He Only Has Five and Kino der toten And I'm Building it...Buuuut We Are Not That Good So Once The Crawlers Come Its Over So its Kinda Hard.
But Thanks.

01/15/2014 4:54 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
I might make verruckt next.. As I said I want to make all the CoD maps :) Also the best way to do it is possibly watch someone that has modded the game and gone through the map and copy bit by bit or mod the game yourself and do it that way.
01/15/2014 2:42 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
Ok Thanks. Btw how far have You gotten on a single zombies map?
My Friend and I have gotten to 11.
01/16/2014 1:36 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
My friend (Person that helped me make this map) and I have made it to round 32 or something on kino Der Toten.
