Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

CC Mega-plex, 2024 (Java & Bedrock)

  • 18,616 views, 8 today
  • 2,509 downloads, 0 today
  • 65
  • 59
  • 25
Level 39 : Artisan Architect

Make sure to Diamond <> if you like the project and give us a Heart <3 if you love it! (We greatly appreciate it :D )

CatsCon 4.0
About CatsCon

CatsCon has always been a place for people to come together. That doesn't change with this version! There are over 100+ Places to visit at CatsCon. Anything from Movies to Museums we have got it all! Catscon was initially started in 2016 and is now 7 years old as of 11/23/23. CatsCon was initially inspired by Minecon and eventually grew into its own thing. It has also come in many shapes and sizes over the years. This latest version is built quite literally from the ground up! It includes many improvements and updates. This project is code-named CC 4.0 since it is the fourth iteration in the lineup of Catscon locations... the latest and greatest! This Version is called "CatsCon Megaplex" to fit the nature of the building better. CatsCon is one of Minecraft's most dense "all-in-one" builds, having pretty much anything and everything.*


  • Landscaping / Terraforming
  • Maglev terminal
  • Super-C gas station
  • Electric vehicle charging
  • parking garages
  • CatsCon Museum
  • RV park/ Campsite
  • Plenty of "easter eggs" & secrets
  • Performance stage
  • CCGT Hall (CatsCon's got talent)
  • Server meeting room
  • Gift shop
  • Opera Hall
  • CatsCafe
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoo & Aquarium
  • Bann Co (Banner company)
  • Hotel
  • Talk room
  • Food court
  • Event Rooms
  • Mall (40+ shops!)
  • DJ party/dance room
  • Bowling alley
  • water park
  • Jump palace/play house
  • Arcade/race track
  • Mini-golf
  • And soooo much more!

Downloads - (JAVA & Bedrock available!)

Bedrock Download (Map version 1.1.2)
The main download for this project is the JAVA version. However, if you would like the Bedrock version...
here you go!
Bedrock download: Here
[Version 1.1.2 - Updated as of 7/4/22)

Usage Rights

You may not claim this project as your own. You may not add this build to your world without proper credits/ and or permission.


If you are using CatsCon on a public or private server, you must have a visible and readable location for players to see with a link to this Planet Minecraft page for credit.

If you are using CatsCon for a video, blog, or any other form of social media, please provide a link in the description or within the blog itself.

Release information

This current release is Version 1.2.1 as of 2/3/24Please keep in mind while this is the PUBLIC release of "CC 4.0" it is still an ongoing project. It will eventually be finished and updated, and subsequently be updated here! If you have suggestions or ideas or see something that needs fixing, let us know! We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts! There are still many things that are not finished, but a majority of the project is!


Texture pack: Compliance 32x (Faithful32x) or Bare-Bones 16x {Vanilla textures still look good on this build!}
Shader pack: BSL Shaders

*It still looks good without these, but it makes the experience even better!

*The build is still a work in progress and is still adding many of its proposed features! (2/3/24)
-Project updates added as needed, project is still work in progress as of (2/4/24)
CreditAll credits in Build (Top floor)
Progress90% complete

10 Update Logs

Building Refresh/ Modernization Update 1.2.1 : by monark5522 02/03/2024 9:57:18 pmFeb 3rd, 2024

Howdy Partner!

A lot of work has been done on the front of the building and the roof/staff area to refresh the look and modernize the building. This is more of an intermediary update, as much more is to come later this year!
This latest release is version 1.2.1 (MAP)

***THIS VERSION IS on 1.20.1*** (World) **JAVA**

Here is what has changed since the last time:
-Front of building completely reworked, modernized
-interior of refreshed parts improved
-additional work started on the underground parking garage
-2 new anchor stores and storage facility coming soon! (WIP) (Located in basement)

Here is what the refresh looks like:

Newest version!
Here is what it used to look like:

There is so much still left to do, but it's the small improvements like this that make a big difference! This project has been ongoing since 2017 and seems to be never ending... however, with some team effort we start to approach having this extremally dense build almost done! This is probably one of the most dense/ detailed "all in one build(s)" for Minecraft!

-Until next time, Monark and the CatsCon Team!

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03/15/2024 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Good map!
03/25/2024 10:36 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Hey ArtTol!

We are pleased to hear that you enjoy the map! Big updates are coming soon, so stay tuned~!
10/24/2023 3:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
it’s says java and bedrock, but the download is java
10/24/2023 10:37 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Hi, Kinyoubi,

If you look in the description there is a "Downloads" section. There you can find the link to download the bedrock version of the map. The only downside currently is that it is not as up-to-date. I am working on getting it updated to the most recent version here soon though! For your convenience, here is the download:

Bedrock download: Here
[Version 1.1.2 - Updated as of 7/4/22)
06/12/2022 4:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Amazing work on the recent update.
06/12/2022 6:47 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Hey Acela1a!

I'm happy you are liking the new update! More to come :D
Keith Silverstein
06/12/2022 6:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Your school is the greatest. It's an architecture that can't be compared to anything. I'll cheer for you to develop further. Oh, my God!
06/12/2022 12:56 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Hello Keith Silverstein!
I'm very happy that you like the project!! We cant wait to finish, but for now please enjoy the current version! :)
05/12/2022 6:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello Catcon is it ok if i rename like the mall and change some of the letters ill still give the credits and add a sign in the front of the mall with your username and stuff basically the credits
05/18/2022 10:30 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Hello User3891662G, you’re welcome to change the name and edit/ change any part of the building. Just please have credit where credit is due, and do not claim the project as your own even if you have made your own additions/ changes. You may add that you changed something but don’t claim ownership. But yes this is fine, hope you like the project!
