Minecraft Maps / Complex

Chateau de Noisy / Castle Miranda by TalentMC

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Level 21 : Expert Miner
Chateau de Noisy, also known as Castle Miranda, was a beautiful neo-Gothic castle nestled into the wooded hillsides of southern Belgium. Construction began in 1866 and sadly, after years of decay, the castle was dismantled in 2017. I never personally visited the castle, but was deeply moved by its incredible beauty and its sad demise.

I spent over 300 hours to design a faithful reconstruction of this castle in Minecraft. Exterior details such as window placements and roof lines were designed to be as accurate as possible, based on hundreds of historical photographs as well as recent drone footage showing the castle in its final days. Having no experience with the layout of the interior, and not enough surviving photos to piece together the floor plan, I am unable to add an interior, and I leave this project to those who may be able to do justice to this amazing piece of history.

Since this castle means so much to so many people, I have decided not to lock this map behind a Patreon or other paid download. It is free to anyone. I ask only that you provide credit to my Youtube channel if you share any builds using my castle design.

If nothing else I hope you are inspired by the beauty of this castle and will excuse me if my interpretation cannot match to the grandeur of the original. Thank you and please enjoy this beautiful piece of history.
Progress100% complete

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12/16/2023 8:09 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Electrician
The castle is beautiful, it would be a great tourist attraction, it's a pity it couldn't be saved. Good job.
12/14/2023 6:05 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Can you upload schematic too?
