Minecraft Maps / Minecart

ChinaStarGateFan's Atlantis map Schematica collection

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Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
permission for this upload and all credit to ChinaStarGateFan for the fantastic work on Atlantis link below


i found this a while ago and fell in love with it and wanted it in a 1.12.2 modpack i was playing but with no way to add the map to my world i added Schematica and worked for a time to make this wonderful world into a series of schematics and i want to share this with others so they can include it in their worlds.

there is a grid for aligning segments, each part does not overlap.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by dayus713 02/14/2025 10:24:25 amFeb 14th

edited 2/14/2025
found a small missing part of part 23-24 south schematic, reuploaded zip with corrected schematic

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