Published Dec 23rd, 2013, 12/23/13 10:48 am
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Hello and merry Christmas to everyone!
Welcome to a land where Elves thrive and Scrooges die. Welcome to a land of toys and peace. Welcome to a place where children run and birds flie. This is Christmas, and what a merry one it is.Drumbledore's Army presents you today our newest build: a christmas themed medieval village. The map is perfect for for example pvp games, so feel free to use the map however you want to; if you use it in a server tho give us a credit.
If you like this build, make sure to hit the diamond or favourite button and make sure to leave a comment.
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3 Update Logs
Update #3 : by DrumbledoresArmy 12/23/2013 1:02:41 pmDec 23rd, 2013
Fixed some typos
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