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Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Hey guys! It's me with another project!

This project is a 1:1 scale of the popular ancient Roman structure, Circus Maximus. This means this structure is 621 blocks long and 118 (if I recall correctly) wide. It's not completely finished, like the Spina (the middle thingy) is still missing some bits here and there.
Also, i've based my structure on pictures, not scientific papers, so there may be some flaws. And on top of that, I 'spiced' things up a bit, it isn't exactly a perfect 1:1 building, as for the details that I put on it.

Anyways, you are free to do with this whatever you like, blow it up, make it even better, put it in a server or something. But please, do give credit for the original structure ^^.

The Texture Pack is -RomeCraft- by Stugace!

Anyways, enjoy it and hopefully you like it!


Additional Notes

Please note that the MCEdit schemetic is flippin' HUGE! So be careful where you place it :)

Also this is my first time with editing screenshots, so don't be so hard on me ^^

Due to some stupid problems I can't upload the world saves.. I'm trying my best to get it.
Progress95% complete

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12/15/2012 1:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Scribe
fantastic work, keep up the great work :D !!!!!!!
