Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Civilization Map Pack - Small - RPG - Multibiome - 1.21+

  • 1,186 views, 4 today
  • 69 downloads, 1 today
  • 14
  • 4
  • 2
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire
Updated System
  • Small civilization maps are 4k x 4k-5k x 5k in size.

  • Each map has a spawn island at the center and a neutral area surrounding it that acts as a buffer zone/shared territory.
  • Some structures will be unique to one civilization while others will be in multiple civilizations.

  • Custom Caves have been added to the maps.

  • The old maps will not be updated and will be replaced by new ones, but they will still be available to download.

  • There is no longer void separating the civilizations/biomes but natural barriers such as oceans, mountains and rivers etc.

  • Infinite world barrier around the whole map as before.

Map Features
  • Custom Structures, each map may have different structures.

  • Custom Caves.

  • Custom Biomes in future maps.

  • Increased world height to 512 to accommodate some structures and taller terrains.

  • Vanilla Caves do generate alongside custom ones.


Old System

This map pack will keep expanding, small sized civilization maps will include 4 biomes and a spawn island. Each biome is separated from the others with its own unique terrain and features.

The spawn island is 1k x 1k, while the biomes are each 1.5k x 1.5k in size. Biomes will be found north, south, east and west of the spawn area.

Small sized civilization map are accessible to Baron Tier Patreon members and up.

World Height: default
Caves and Ores: generate within map boundaries
Barrier: infinite void barrier around each land

Map 1

Map 2

I also do commissions. Prices and more information are below:

1000 x 1000 ---> 15-30 USD
2000 x 2000 ---> 35-50 USD
3000 x 3000 ---> 55-70 USD
4000 x 4000 ---> 75-90 USD
5000 x 5000 ---> 95-105 USD
6000 x 6000 ---> 110-125 USD
7000 x 7000 ---> 130-145 USD
8000 x 8000 ---> 150-165 USD
9000 x 9000 ---> 170-185 USD
10000 x 10000 ---> 190-205 USD

Of course the prices are varied in every size depending on the details in the map requested

Providing a blueprint or a drawing of your request will also be very helpful

Bigger sizes are negotiable

Payment only accepted by PayPal

Feel free to contact me on discord: serpentem_malfoy

Portfolio: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/serpentem_malfoy/

Schematics Credits:







Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Serpentem_Malfoy 12/12/2024 4:58:18 amDec 12th, 2024

Replaced renders of map-1 with new ones.

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12/15/2024 9:04 am
He/Him • Level 45 : Master Dwarf
I like the way you make it sooo colourful
12/18/2024 4:59 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire
thanks! <3
