Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Covenant Manor - Clive Barker's: Undying

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Level 39 : Artisan System
Come and visit the manor of the cursed Covenant family and its mysterious tower. It is said to have been haunted by the tortured souls of the last descendants of the Covenant family.

In the 1920s, a certain Patrick Galloway, friend of Jeremiah Covenant, the presumed last descendant, came to investigate the family's curse. What he discovered was far from what he had imagined, and ended in bloodshed.

To this day, the manor is no longer inhabited. Its bad reputation will certainly not make it habitable again...

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Covenant Manor - Clive Barker's: Undying Minecraft Map

Clive Barker's Undying
is a first-person shooter survival horror video game designed on a modified Unreal Engine in the genre of mystical horror. It was developed by DreamWorks Interactive and published by Electronic Arts in 2001 on PC.

I remade the Manor's levels with MCEDIT-Unified software and with the help of Undying Level Editor to nest the different level parts together because there is a loading time between each of them in the original video game.
I made sure to respect the scale and proportions but I had to make some choices in terms of readjustments because some levels overlap each other with the original game engine.


  • This map is "Vanilla" designed, so you are free to apply mods/datapacks and resource packs
  • It was designed to be explored because I do not plan to remake the original video game.
  • Updated to Minecraft Version 1.21

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How to Install:

Original map:


Covenant Manor - Clive Barker's: Undying Minecraft Map
CreditUndEd.exe | MCEdit-Unified | minecraft-heads.com | trello.com | Cliff Of Dover map by SNelement | haselkern.github.io/Minecraft-ArmorStand/ | minecraft.tools | Minecraft Overviewer | Amulet Editor
Progress100% complete

15 Update Logs

Update #15 : by FlyingDustman 07/12/2024 12:05:58 pmJul 12th, 2024

- Disabled MobGriefing gamerule
- Some blocks had not been fully updated

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12/01/2024 12:30 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
Clive Barker! One of my childhood favorite authors! This ought to be fun!
05/13/2022 11:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Awesome! Now I comprehend more the original game, which I think the manor has an interconnecting portal door from the Widow's watch at the north east wing to the living room at the west wing.

By the way, have you had the idea of do the same but with the monastery?
05/16/2022 11:07 am
Level 39 : Artisan System
I see that you know the original video game well ;)

I confirm that there is a teleporter in the Widow's Watch level to go to the Great Hall level but I didn't put it (I just put some Cracked Stone Bricks at the two portals)

Yes, I had the idea to do the same for the Monastery with the two versions: Past and Present; but also to do the Pirate's cove level.

But being alone on the project, I realized that it was ... quite long and ambitious.

For the moment nothing is planned, but the idea is still there. I'm glad to receive comments like yours, it makes me want to work on this project again :D
11/02/2018 5:25 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
are there any mods?
11/03/2018 10:09 am
Level 39 : Artisan System
There is no mods installed for this map (maybe data packs?), so the player is free to choose to install any mods that he wants.
10/15/2018 9:20 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cowboy
