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History in English
Ogreso Triumph
Somewhere, in a place where there is no time, another dimension, there lies an archipelago Naugkart. Among many inhospitable, horrible islands surrounded by lava oceans there was a land of giants. Despite of their terrifying look they wereno t as evil beings as ogres.
Through their whole, long lives, far and wide, theyo ve struggled with their enemies. When their big flying ships appeared on a horizont giantso reaction was rapid o huge rocks obscured the sky, making it dim. The view was amazing and awful. From this moment a war started and local oceans were no longer safe. Ogres appropriated the land of giants, even that it still wasno t in their greedy green and brown hands. Islanders had effective defence. Rocks were powerful weapon against ogreso ships. As the war continues more ships from green and brown creatureso colonies were heading to home of giants. Course of the war was slowly changing when catapults arrived. Finally, ogres exceeded the limits of the shore. A massacre started. Ogres had overwhelming numerical superiority. And so it ended. The land was strewn with corpses like a field of bones and blood. With these bones and stones ogres have built bridges and some corridors, halls. But population on the island wasno t getting bigger. On the contrary o it was smaller by a time. Some ogres stayed there but most of them flew away. The war wasno t about a land. It was about an innate hatred. Ogres were burning with hate to each race.
History in Polish
GdzieÅ , w miejscu, gdzie czas nie pÅ ynie, jest bez znaczenia, w innym wymiarze, leży archipelag Naugkart. WÅ ród wielu piekielnych, nieprzyjaznych wysp otoczonych oceanem lawy znajdowaÅ a siÄ ziemia gigantów. Pomimo ich przerażajÄ cego wyglÄ du nie byli tak zÅ ymi istotami jak ogry, które dominowaÅ y w tym Å wiecie. Oprócz tych dwóch ras żyjÄ tam jeszcze cyklopy. Ale nawet te siÄ dzielÄ na, można by rzec, dwa różne gatunki. Te na zachodnich wodach sÄ mniejsze, ale nienastawione pokojowo wobec przybyszy. Giganty żyÅ y spokojnie, do czasuo ¦ Przez resztÄ swojego dÅ ugiego życia, wzdÅ uż i wszerz, zmagaÅ y siÄ ze swoim wrogiem o ogrami. Gdy ich wielkie latajÄ ce statki pierwszy raz zjawiÅ y siÄ na horyzoncie, reakcja gigantów byÅ a gwaÅ towna o ogromne skaÅ y sÅ aniaÅ y niebo, czyniÄ c je ciemniejsze. Widok ten byÅ niczym groza zesÅ ana z nieba, ale też zapierajÄ cy wdech w piersiach. Z tÄ chwilÄ zaczÄ Å a siÄ wojna i szlaki na lokalnych oceanach przestaÅ y byÄ bezpieczne. Przynajmniej mniej od stopnia, w którym byÅ y poprzednio. Ogry przywÅ aszczyÅ y sobie ziemiÄ gigantów, mimo że nie byÅ a jeszcze w ich Å apczywych, zielonych i brÄ zowych Å apach. MieszkaÅ cy wyspy mieli skutecznÄ obronÄ . SkaÅ y byÅ y potÄ Å¼nÄ broniÄ przeciwko statkom powietrznym. W miarÄ jak wojna trwa przybywa z odsieczÄ coraz wiÄ cej ogrów, gdy wieÅ Ä roznosi siÄ po wÅ ród nich, miÄ dzy miastami. Kolonie decydujÄ siÄ na kierunek w stronÄ domu gigantów. Nie tylko nowe zastÄ py ogrów staÅ y siÄ groźne dla wyspiarzy, ale też katapulty, które powoli zmieniaÅ y przebieg wojny. W koÅ cu najeźdźcy przekroczyli granice brzegów wyspy. RozpoczÄ Å a siÄ masakra. Ogry miaÅ y miażdÅ¼Ä cÄ przewagÄ liczebnÄ . I tak to siÄ skoÅ czyÅ o. Ziemia byÅ a usiana dużymi trupami, niczym pola koÅ ci i krwi. Z tych koÅ ci gigantów najeźdźcy skorzystali w robieniu zabudowaÅ o mostów, korytarzy, hal. Jednakże populacja na wyspie wcale nie rosÅ a, wrÄ cz przeciwnie o malaÅ a z czasem. Niewiele ogrów zostaÅ o, wiÄ kszoÅ Ä odleciaÅ a z powrotem. Ponieważ wojna nie byÅ a o ziemie. ChodziÅ o jedynie o wrodzonÄ nienawiÅ Ä , którÄ ogry paÅ aÅ y do każdej napotkanej rasy. Chcieli siÄ ich jedynie pozbyÄ z wyspy, a potem wróciÄ do siebie.
A map of Archipelago Naugkart (islands in red circle are these from contest map):
I'm sorry for bad quality pictures on slideshow, bad resolution screenshots, I couldn't find the best one.
I hope that title image is quite good. For real better experience and climat is when you walk on this map.
Some roads suddenly end with netherrock. I did it because of lack of time to do interiors and so on - so I explained that with this:
Ogres who stayed at the island realised that they have to build better city - just to make their brothers come here again. They were angry at those who left Naugkart to home lands.
And so they started. New entrance to mountain in completely different style, new roads, more rocks and bricks, less woods and planks.
In these dangerous, uncontrollable minds came up an enthusiasm for science. New era for ogres began...
Huge spine and hand:
Where are they from? Well, before giants there were much bigger beings. We do not know anything about their character, life or look. There is also another spine on another island of Archipelago Naugkart.
One is sure - you can't find them alive in evil dimension. Or maybe they've hidden somewhere...
As usual, sorry for my bad English (that's why I wrote better story in Polish), hope you understand most of text.
I can update this project after contest but it's 100% for now anyway.
Updates will be just additions.
- Aliquam.pl server for place to build!
- Nawome - for great screenshots with shaders and thank you very much for patience! ;)
- IiiI - for helping me with ideas :)
- me - for moving ass and building it
I gave some screenshots in slideshow.
Ogres' Triumph
Ogreso Triumph
Somewhere, in a place where there is no time, another dimension, there lies an archipelago Naugkart. Among many inhospitable, horrible islands surrounded by lava oceans there was a land of giants. Despite of their terrifying look they wereno t as evil beings as ogres.
Through their whole, long lives, far and wide, theyo ve struggled with their enemies. When their big flying ships appeared on a horizont giantso reaction was rapid o huge rocks obscured the sky, making it dim. The view was amazing and awful. From this moment a war started and local oceans were no longer safe. Ogres appropriated the land of giants, even that it still wasno t in their greedy green and brown hands. Islanders had effective defence. Rocks were powerful weapon against ogreso ships. As the war continues more ships from green and brown creatureso colonies were heading to home of giants. Course of the war was slowly changing when catapults arrived. Finally, ogres exceeded the limits of the shore. A massacre started. Ogres had overwhelming numerical superiority. And so it ended. The land was strewn with corpses like a field of bones and blood. With these bones and stones ogres have built bridges and some corridors, halls. But population on the island wasno t getting bigger. On the contrary o it was smaller by a time. Some ogres stayed there but most of them flew away. The war wasno t about a land. It was about an innate hatred. Ogres were burning with hate to each race.
History in Polish
Triumf ogrów
GdzieÅ , w miejscu, gdzie czas nie pÅ ynie, jest bez znaczenia, w innym wymiarze, leży archipelag Naugkart. WÅ ród wielu piekielnych, nieprzyjaznych wysp otoczonych oceanem lawy znajdowaÅ a siÄ ziemia gigantów. Pomimo ich przerażajÄ cego wyglÄ du nie byli tak zÅ ymi istotami jak ogry, które dominowaÅ y w tym Å wiecie. Oprócz tych dwóch ras żyjÄ tam jeszcze cyklopy. Ale nawet te siÄ dzielÄ na, można by rzec, dwa różne gatunki. Te na zachodnich wodach sÄ mniejsze, ale nienastawione pokojowo wobec przybyszy. Giganty żyÅ y spokojnie, do czasuo ¦ Przez resztÄ swojego dÅ ugiego życia, wzdÅ uż i wszerz, zmagaÅ y siÄ ze swoim wrogiem o ogrami. Gdy ich wielkie latajÄ ce statki pierwszy raz zjawiÅ y siÄ na horyzoncie, reakcja gigantów byÅ a gwaÅ towna o ogromne skaÅ y sÅ aniaÅ y niebo, czyniÄ c je ciemniejsze. Widok ten byÅ niczym groza zesÅ ana z nieba, ale też zapierajÄ cy wdech w piersiach. Z tÄ chwilÄ zaczÄ Å a siÄ wojna i szlaki na lokalnych oceanach przestaÅ y byÄ bezpieczne. Przynajmniej mniej od stopnia, w którym byÅ y poprzednio. Ogry przywÅ aszczyÅ y sobie ziemiÄ gigantów, mimo że nie byÅ a jeszcze w ich Å apczywych, zielonych i brÄ zowych Å apach. MieszkaÅ cy wyspy mieli skutecznÄ obronÄ . SkaÅ y byÅ y potÄ Å¼nÄ broniÄ przeciwko statkom powietrznym. W miarÄ jak wojna trwa przybywa z odsieczÄ coraz wiÄ cej ogrów, gdy wieÅ Ä roznosi siÄ po wÅ ród nich, miÄ dzy miastami. Kolonie decydujÄ siÄ na kierunek w stronÄ domu gigantów. Nie tylko nowe zastÄ py ogrów staÅ y siÄ groźne dla wyspiarzy, ale też katapulty, które powoli zmieniaÅ y przebieg wojny. W koÅ cu najeźdźcy przekroczyli granice brzegów wyspy. RozpoczÄ Å a siÄ masakra. Ogry miaÅ y miażdÅ¼Ä cÄ przewagÄ liczebnÄ . I tak to siÄ skoÅ czyÅ o. Ziemia byÅ a usiana dużymi trupami, niczym pola koÅ ci i krwi. Z tych koÅ ci gigantów najeźdźcy skorzystali w robieniu zabudowaÅ o mostów, korytarzy, hal. Jednakże populacja na wyspie wcale nie rosÅ a, wrÄ cz przeciwnie o malaÅ a z czasem. Niewiele ogrów zostaÅ o, wiÄ kszoÅ Ä odleciaÅ a z powrotem. Ponieważ wojna nie byÅ a o ziemie. ChodziÅ o jedynie o wrodzonÄ nienawiÅ Ä , którÄ ogry paÅ aÅ y do każdej napotkanej rasy. Chcieli siÄ ich jedynie pozbyÄ z wyspy, a potem wróciÄ do siebie.
A map of Archipelago Naugkart (islands in red circle are these from contest map):
I'm sorry for bad quality pictures on slideshow, bad resolution screenshots, I couldn't find the best one.
I hope that title image is quite good. For real better experience and climat is when you walk on this map.
Some roads suddenly end with netherrock. I did it because of lack of time to do interiors and so on - so I explained that with this:
Ogres who stayed at the island realised that they have to build better city - just to make their brothers come here again. They were angry at those who left Naugkart to home lands.
And so they started. New entrance to mountain in completely different style, new roads, more rocks and bricks, less woods and planks.
In these dangerous, uncontrollable minds came up an enthusiasm for science. New era for ogres began...
Explanation of some structures
Huge spine and hand:
Where are they from? Well, before giants there were much bigger beings. We do not know anything about their character, life or look. There is also another spine on another island of Archipelago Naugkart.
One is sure - you can't find them alive in evil dimension. Or maybe they've hidden somewhere...
As usual, sorry for my bad English (that's why I wrote better story in Polish), hope you understand most of text.
I can update this project after contest but it's 100% for now anyway.
Updates will be just additions.
- Aliquam.pl server for place to build!
- Nawome - for great screenshots with shaders and thank you very much for patience! ;)
- IiiI - for helping me with ideas :)
- me - for moving ass and building it
Additional Notes
I suggest you playing on Default but for another view there is also Willpack Texturepack:www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/willpack-hd/
I gave some screenshots in slideshow.
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1 Update Logs
Last update : by Grery 09/12/2013 9:39:36 amSep 12th, 2013
Added 4 images, changed description a bit.
Added new credits.
Added new credits.
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