Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Crazy Terrain caused by A World Corruption. Works on beta 1.4 but should work on other versions. Huge thanks again to Quitlove.

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Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
This is a world corrupted by a minecraft version. The version yet not to be released. The terrain is completely broken since the world was saved incompletely and locked. If you want more content like this make sure to Follow. We are exploring more and more slowly. If you wonder how to generate a world like this use RTC-Corruptor. There is also a tutorial required for these steps to be followed in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqG2TcqVDQQ .

Reach for us in the comments if you find any glitches/anomalies!
CreditQuitLove, (SeeStyle for the leaking :D)
Progress100% complete

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