Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Cruise Ship Terminal

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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
Cruise Ship Terminal

This is the building to go to when you wanna get on a Cruise Ship, and Delta Pier has two of them. The Cruise Terminals at Delta Pier are pretty busy. Each one is split into 2 halfs so 2 ships can have passengers waiting. The Terminals are located on Delta Pier, south-west of Downtown Greenfield. I am not really that happy with the buildings exterior design, but most cities have there share of ugly buildings. I do really like the interior though.

Check out the Greenfield Cruise Ship here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/greenfield-cruise-ship/

Check out Delta Pier Here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/delta-pier/

*Full Exterior/Interior
*One Ticket Sales
*One Bag Check
*One Security Terminal
*2 Waiting Rooms
*2 Baggage Claims
*Baggage Sorting room
*Skywalk to Ship

Check out the server at http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/greenfield---new-life-size-city-project/
-56515 Greenfield Admin

CreditGreenfield Server
Progress100% complete

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12/20/2015 12:04 am
Level 49 : Master Lad
