Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Dalenberg - the most realistic european city

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Architecture School
Level 41 : Master Architect
Dalenberg - the most realistic european city Minecraft Map
The city of Dälenberg is a unique project by ChamplainMC and Crytek_RUz_ it is a place that combines all the best architecture and urban tendencies from cities like Paris, Brussels, Munich, Berlin ,Prague, Amsterdam, Vienna, Hamburg and Marseille. Combining such different places is a very challenging and unique thing. We have found the golden mean and know how to combine architecture from different epochs, geographical places and functions in one quarter. Those quarters create a functional city pattern.

What makes this city different from the rest?
  • Smart urban planning based on architectural education
  • Compliance with road and street design standards (road signs, traffic lights, road markings)
  • The best walking experience (high level of detail of shops, restaurants, banks, on the ground floors of buildings, real shop signs)
  • Insane level of architectural details
  • Dälenberg is the capital city of the fictional EU country Dalerland

Soon we are going to open a server on 1.13.2 (but you will able to enter from any newer version) and we'll be looking for expierienced builders who would like to help us in expanding this beautiful city.

Описание для русскоговорящих - description for russian-speakers
Город Дэленберг - это уникальный проект ChamplainMC и Crytek_RUz_, в котором сочетаются все лучшие архитектурные и городские тенденции таких городов, как: Париж, Брюссель, Мюнхен, Берлин, Прага, Амстердам, Вена, Гамбург и Марсель. Объединение таких разных мест - очень сложная и уникальная вещь. Мы нашли золотую середину и знаем, как объединить архитектуру из разных эпох, географических мест и функций в одном квартале. Эти кварталы создают функциональную модель города.

Что отличает нас от остальных?

Разумное городское планирование, основанное на архитектурном образовании
Соблюдение стандартов проектирования дорог и улиц (дорожные знаки, светофоры, дорожная разметка)
Максимальный опыт пеших прогулок (высокий уровень детализации магазинов, ресторанов, банков, на первых этажах зданий, реальные вывески)
Безумный уровень архитектурных деталей
Нет модов - мы используем нашу переосмысленную версию текстурпака от Cubed Comunity.
Дэленберг - это столица вымышленной страны ЕС Далерлэнд.

В скором времени мы собираемся открыть сервер на версии 1.13.2, и мы проведем отбор в строители, которые хотели бы помочь нам в строительстве этого прекрасного города.

Isometric view of city center

Dalenberg - the most realistic european city Minecraft Map

We on the front of townhall
Dalenberg - the most realistic european city Minecraft Map

CreditCrytek_RUz_, ChamplainMC and other players that helped us
Progress35% complete

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07/28/2020 1:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The city looks awesome, but when you are going to post link to dowoland map?
Architecture School
07/28/2020 3:31 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
Thank you!
There is no download. But we opened a public server today, where you can explore the city and become a builder, if you want!
07/21/2020 3:05 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
I absolutely love the depth of detail that was put into this. From the textures on the walls of the buildings to the street signs, cars, chairs, tables, items on the tables. You guys have done an outstanding job. I look forward to following the rest of this build!
Architecture School
07/21/2020 3:20 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
It's very pleasure to hear such words. Thank you, keep following - a lot of interesting aren't far off!
07/21/2020 5:33 am
Level 1 : New System
I would love to play on this world! It's epic!
Architecture School
07/28/2020 3:33 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
Hello again!
We opened a public server today, where you can explore the city and become a builder, if you want!
Architecture School
07/21/2020 6:57 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Thanks a lot for your feedback. Soon you'll be able to experience it on our server that we are setting up now :)
Have a good day!
07/21/2020 12:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
привет из России как скачать
Architecture School
07/21/2020 6:59 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Приветствую. Скачать возможности нет и не будет. Скоро откроется сервер, участником которого вы сможете стать в будущем.
