Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

de_mirage - Map rework from CS GO

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ShadeZ Gaming
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Notification! Detail update is currently only available as a schematic!
Map update will be available soon.

So i decided to make some map from cs go as i see a loads of use for any of those.
First idea was to create dust2 but found allready some well made pieces from internet.
So i went for another mainstream map de_mirage.

Tought it was going to be an easy job, but ended up doing it 3 days :D
Specially all the hollow buildings at the scenery took a loads of time. Never again !

The map turned out quite good afterall, and i managed to create all the main features/spots.

It's a world save and you will be spawning another border of the map, (didn't adjust it)

To go in creative --> esc --> open LAN --> enable cheats --> open then do /gamemode 1 (urname)

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Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Detail update : by ShadeZ Gaming 10/31/2015 2:08:09 pmOct 31st, 2015

Walls, floors and rooftops have now much more details. Different textures, furnitures, decoratives and depht has been added. Also movement around middle window has been improved. 3 More images added from the updated parts.

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Lord Minecraft
02/02/2015 12:05 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Why did you make the spawning outside of the border, I don't know how to make a server and I don't want to make this a server, I just want to look around.
ShadeZ Gaming
02/02/2015 12:42 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pokémon
just press esc when you are in singleplayer mode.
Then select open to lan, and allow cheats.
After that type this command into chat:

/gamemode 1 Lord Minecraft

Asuming you use same ign as you use in here.
Hope this helped
Lord Minecraft
02/02/2015 11:34 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Simple and detailed. I like it.
01/30/2015 11:01 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
Ps the overhead view looks great hah +1 D
01/30/2015 11:00 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
Looking good! Maybe just add a little more detail on the walls. Mind if I base my mirage version of yours? :)
ShadeZ Gaming
01/31/2015 2:49 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Yeah, i may need add some more, and sure you can use it :)
01/29/2015 6:59 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Amazing work!  It looks spectacular from above!
