Minecraft Maps / Complex

Dealey Plaza 1:1 Dallas, Texas 1963 (JFK)

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Level 44 : Master Architect
This is the infamous Dealey Plaza, The site of the JFK assassination. Recreated here as it looked in 1963.
I am trying to make it as acurate as possible... to complete this "mission", i am using various resources, including photos, diagrams, and even blueprints from the time. With that said, i am happy to say that i have found a post-assassination interior diagram for the Texas School Book Depository and have been able to reproduce the interior of the building with high detail, right down to the signs in the hallways and the coke machines in the lounge.
Progress65% complete

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03/24/2019 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there a download link to the map
Travis Banger
11/19/2015 9:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dear author: Would you consider joining us? We want to bring science, technology and animations to the definite solution of this tragic murder.


We have contact with some of the most important researchers and book authors.

Please reply to ramon@patriot.net
