Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Desert and Jungle terrain

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Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Hello there! :D Sorry I have not uploaded a world or any other project in some time. I had technical difficulties. At any rate, here is the making of my newest map. As you can see, it is a custom Minecraft terrain consisting mainly of a desert, with an oasis and a jungle.

The brushes used were my own. The texture pack used in the chunky renders was A'therys ascended. Do check out their server, its awesome. (atherys.com/) The tree pack used was Conquered_ tree and rock respiratory made by Monsterfish_. 

The map is primarily meant for creative, but if you would like to play survival, do let me know in the comments and I can re-export the world for you in a playable format, with caves and ores. If you have any suggestions for future maps, or requests for server maps and such, please tell me and I will see what I can do. (I can always use new ideas)
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03/30/2016 10:21 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
04/01/2016 7:58 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Oh that's easy, You just basically spray 2 biomes, an example is a desert biome, and a swamp one, mix them together, then you get a custom biome!
03/31/2016 3:35 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Thanks. :D
03/31/2016 10:37 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Could you make one for my Modpack? i need atleast 5 custom biomes, and 5 vanilla biomes/normal ones please?
04/01/2016 3:45 am
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
I suppose so. :D Im not sure if worldpainter can make custom modded blocks though. But please, do give me details, and I will try to make whatever it is you want. :) Its been ages since I put something on pmc or youtube, I would gladly make you something.
11/22/2015 11:55 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
one of my favorite terrains ever (idk why) and it makes me want to play simcity4 really badly lol.
11/22/2015 12:29 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Thanks! :) And sim city? Im not entirely sure as I have never played it, but I think I did see it mentioned quite a bit while looking for heightmaps a month or so ago. Unless im confusing it with something else. Does simcity4 contain much terraforming or anything?

Oh yea, and if you want similar terrains, I reccomend you check out some of my other ones. (totally not evily advertising) D:
11/22/2015 12:35 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
in simcity4 there is really nice ingame terraforming, and also some programs really similar to what you use for minecraft that people use to make maps. quite similar.
11/22/2015 12:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
I did a little googling, and yes, there are many very interesting looking mountains and such there too! :D Maybe I can find out how they are made and find some new way to create heightmaps.
