Minecraft Maps / Minecart

Dinosaur island

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  • 33 downloads, 2 today
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Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
this island is filled with dinosaurs! can you capture all of them before its to late? First you will spawn on a small island, and you will have to swim to the main island.
note: some of the dinosaurs don't spawn naturally so I placed their eggs around the map

a map redesign is coming soon

  • the dawn era mod (this is not the same as the mod on forge, mod link here
https://www.mediafire.com/file/iztjj4... it also requires AstemirLib MOD

  • alexs caves link here MOD
  • it also requires Citadel MOD

  • note: I don't know if it will work without the right mods and this map is not finished and it might glitch
  • when the ancient nature mod comes out it would fit well with this map.
CreditMCG - Schematic Pack - Trees, Rocks & Bushes and the map is based on a forge labs series about surviving dinosaurs
Progress65% complete

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