Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

District 13 (Hunger Games)

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wgk98's Avatar wgk98
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
District 13 is a fictional from the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.

During a period of time the once known nation of America was put into nuclear war from other countries starting WW3 these days were known as the "Dark Days." From then the nation Panem was formed. Panem has 13 Districts and a Capitol. To the citizens of Panem district 13 is thought to be destroyed in the "Dark Days". However district 13 was developing a Nuclear Weapons program. The Capitol found out about this program and said to to 13. If you give us your Nuclear Weapons we will build you a Bunker and you can live peacefully under there without anyone knowing you are there. Hate towards the Capitol was brewing in district 13 and decided to start an uprising.

I will be making this District 13 Bunker.
It will include:
-100 rooms suitable for 400 players. This could be used in a faction server or purely for fun in single player.
-A dining hall which will include a kitchen similar to the one in my Survival Map.
-Larger Farms to support an entire population.
-A hanger bay with a HALO pelican
-A jail
-Special Weaponry
-The Block
-Fire arrow testing range.
-Nuclear Missile research facility
-3 story bunker Level 1 will be regular bombs, Level 2 is chemical/ Biological weapons level 3 is Nuclear bombs
-And a common room where you will be able to access the Bunker, Rooms and the Dining room

The upload will be a snapshot style and feature the curent progress of the map. There will be some un-build areas but those will be built in time.
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Additional Notes

I will not be putting this on a server. This is an independent project.
I will take suggestions and you will be quoted if your suggestion is put in the map.
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by wgk98 12/18/2012 6:28:55 pmDec 18th, 2012

hey guys. progress is slow today so i might be stopping this project. however i might complete this project on a server. i have started school recently and i will not have time for MC. sorry


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10/10/2014 10:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bucklebill's Avatar
This is a nice map, although I have 1 problem with it, Why are the rooms so large? I mean the sleeping quaters are a perfect example Why would nayone design sleeping quaters that large for 4 people I would imagine that they would be alot smaller. And considering this is a bunker ran by the military, there would not be much space to spare, it's a much harder to build large structures underground because you first have have to clear out anything thats there like dirt and make sure it's safe so it wont cave in on you, so it would make sense to have smaller rooms because they are easier to build and require less manpower overrall, something which district 13 in in lack of due to that fact that a relatively large amount of thier population was wiped out by a disease (cant remeber what it was). I'm just saying that I think some of the rooms, especially the sleeping quaters should be reduced in size, and maybe given a slightly more utilitarian look, I dont think District 13 would have had the largest supply of wood available so I doubt that the walls would be made from wood. Anyways I've said what I had to and it's just my opinion so take it or leave it.
05/27/2015 2:09 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Archer
Selene011's Avatar
i think the desiease was chicken pox
12/20/2012 11:46 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
atrain's Avatar
if there is no time for luxury than how come they have a black and white tile floor
12/19/2012 7:40 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
atrain's Avatar
in all of the parts it looks like a prison
12/19/2012 5:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
wgk98's Avatar
it is an underground base. it is ran by the military and there is no time for luxury
12/20/2012 5:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
wgk98's Avatar
most dining halls have black and white floors. i thought it would be a good ad in. if you dont like the map then stop complaining.
12/18/2012 6:41 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
atrain's Avatar
i dont think it really looks like district 13
12/18/2012 6:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
wgk98's Avatar
what did you think it looks like
09/15/2012 11:14 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
canonball112's Avatar
this would be awesome with tekkit
09/15/2012 8:01 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
wgk98's Avatar
i might make a tekkit make over as well as the vanilla one
