Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Download! 130 REALISTIC MUSHROOMS - Shematics

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Eremilion's Avatar Eremilion
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect

Hello everyone !

I'm back for a new Bundle project,
but, that time, with mushrooms.
That project is made to be use by all the people, all around the world, using softwares like "McEdit","WorldPainter","WorldEdit"....

The project :

On that bundle, there is 129 different elements / 11 variety and some variant, for a total of 176 shematics.

After the download :

You will recieve a folder with 2 folders inside.

-The first one is the "grid map" that you have to put into your .minecraft "saves" folder

-The second one is the folder with all the shematics inside

How to use it ? :

a) the grid map :
The Grid map is a map you can go on, InGame, to see all the different elements. So, after that, you can choose which ones you will use for your project.

When you will enter on that map for the first time, you will recieve a book. That book will be very usefull because you can click on and be tp everywhere, to the different zones.

After being teleported, you will be on a small platformm in front of many mushrooms from one variety. A automatic message appears into the tchat, indicating how the shematic files are named for that zone. If you want to see the message again, you can use the button placed on an iron_block.

b) Choose and use the shematics :
Now, you know how the shematic files are named. So, you can fly over the mushrooms and see that each one have a number or a letter close its stems. Use this to make your choose. And after.. well, you just have to go to work !

c) When using those shematics with WorldPainter: (for expert users)
All the elements are optimised to be use into "object layers". That means you have to always indicate, for each shematic, a minimum of y=-1 and a maximum of y=-8 for the high of the implantation into the ground.

I've tested the bigger ones with WorldPainter. I can say that there is no problem to use it on very hard slopes (more than 60% is still ok for the most. Well, you know how to use it I think :p

The "You can" / "You can't" paragraph :

-For personal projects, you can use it as you want.... If you keep it only for you and friends.
-But, if you want to make a public project using some elements of that bundle, you must, at least, indicate my minecraft name "EREMILION" and give the link of that page and/or my PMC account link.
-It's the same if you "only" wants to speak about any personal project using some elements of that bundle, on any public space (youtube, foroms...)

-Don't share any stuff like "mushroom houses" made with the mushrooms of that bundle. If you really wants to make something like that, ask me before. I'm agree to present this as a team-work.

-For everything else, if you have any doubt, just ask me. I will be very happy to answer you :)

------A work 100% made by EREMILION------

CreditMcEdit, WorldPainter, Optifine, Conquest texture Pack, Kuda shader pack
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Download link added : by Eremilion 07/26/2016 8:23:32 amJul 26th, 2016

I had a small problem with the download link, now it's ok and it's added :) enjoy it !

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04/21/2020 6:05 pm
Level 46 : Master Pokémon
Evann's Avatar
Really Neat !
08/21/2017 7:20 am
Level 26 : Expert Architect
StarOnCheek's Avatar
Best grid world I've ever seen
09/03/2016 2:15 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Barbarian's Avatar
Great job!
08/10/2016 10:20 am
Level 76 : Legendary Creator
Springstof's Avatar
I'd love to see these being used sporadically in forests. (Pun intended)

Awesome work man!
11/21/2016 4:31 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Eremilion's Avatar
3 month after, I understand the pun now ^^ It's really hard in English
07/29/2016 10:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
scorpio975's Avatar
Hi! I am an editor of China.
I think your map is really beautiful! I think people in China will love this if they see it.
So can I repost the to a Chinese Minecraft forum (mcbbs.net) to share your work with more players and architects?
I hope to get your transpostation permission, I will certainly be reproduced Posts mark your name, description and the original post on the website.
My English isn't really good, I hope you can understand it.

scorpio975 :)
07/29/2016 12:05 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dr_Bond's Avatar
love packs made for the community to use, gj!
07/28/2016 7:20 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Aediex's Avatar
Shame there's not mushroom on my hard drive for this :)

Puns aside, this looks really well made, nice work.
07/27/2016 4:58 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Engineer
Baitman777's Avatar
Hey There!

Such Mushroom, Such Wow, Such subbed ;)
07/28/2016 6:33 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Eremilion's Avatar
Thanks <3
