Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Dungeon Generator in one only command! | Random dungeons!

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IJAMinecraft's Avatar IJAMinecraft
Level 87 : Elite Engineer

This dungeon creator can create large, random dungeons for you! The dungeon rooms are filled with random spawners, chest and other stuff! Just follow the steps in the video and you can get such a generator easily into your world as well!

Watch the video to see how everything works!         
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t3X83wjkgA
Command: http://www.ijaminecraft.com/cmd/dungeon_generator/

CreditThe whole command was written by IJAMinecraft (me).
Progress100% complete

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06/06/2016 10:19 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Ryuggo's Avatar
Amazing command !

I would like to add it to my system (a random structure generator in 1.10), so I just have to add your name in the credit and I can use it?
06/06/2016 11:03 pm
Level 87 : Elite Engineer
IJAMinecraft's Avatar
This command doesn't work in 1.9 or 1.10 though ^^
06/07/2016 6:56 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Ryuggo's Avatar
So I'm gonna try to make it work in 1.10 ^^

The system is just a number randomizer which teleport/kill an ArmorStand depending the number it gets ?
07/18/2015 5:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Grezlock's Avatar
This is awesome! All of your command block creations are mind blowing
07/18/2015 7:28 pm
Level 87 : Elite Engineer
IJAMinecraft's Avatar
Thank you! :D
07/04/2015 3:30 am
Level 1 : New Network
IHaz0Cape's Avatar
Awesome. Could be cool for map-making.
06/27/2015 8:55 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dudamesh's Avatar
Yay! another One-command block!
this looks really big too!

I thought about how this works, and I think you just teleported a Zombie (I saw one on the video)
and then, randomly setblock/fill/clone the rooms of the dungeons. then I think this is randomized too, after a certain amount of dungeons spawned. that will then go deeper and repeat until it reaches bedrock?

anyways, cool new 1-command block!
(31000 Characters?! is that a new record?)
06/28/2015 6:27 am
Level 87 : Elite Engineer
IJAMinecraft's Avatar
You're not that wrong. I first built the building at the surface and then I have an armor stand that goes down. Every 5 blocks the armor stand stops and spawns a special armor stand. This one has a randomizer. Depending on what number the randomizer rolls, the special armor stand either kills itself or moves in one of four directions and builds a room there. Then their is a second randomizer that has 12 possible outcomes, which determine what will be placed in the room. After that, the special armor stand starts again with the first randomizer and repeats this process until it gets killed. If the special armor stand gets killed, the armor stand in the tunnel (in the middle) moves down another 5 blocks and repeats the process. If it reaches bedrock, it gets destroyed and the dungeon is finished :)

PS: My record was 32500 characters by the way :D
06/27/2015 3:44 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Nonodu38's Avatar
WOW ! I can't imagine how much time this took...
06/28/2015 6:27 am
Level 87 : Elite Engineer
IJAMinecraft's Avatar
10 hours :p
