Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Engycity Seaport

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Bunny
aaahh... harbor.... the place where a ship born and work.....

this map still in classic, waiting to be converted to latest minecraft. the convert wont take too long, but to add the decor like door, lamps, and furniture will take pretty long time.

the finished harbor will be 2X bigger. planning make it have 6 port and 2 shipyard

Already converted to latest minecraft
New cargo ship "Catherine" summoned
a water gate near shipyard
added new port

right now i still adding interior , add 1 more ship yard, and add 3 more port
I uploaded the original schematic from classic so you can see some part of the SeaPort

Additional Notes

I put that big tanker ship just to see if the port wide enough, aaaandd.... then i realized i need to expand the port instead.
Progress70% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Evansurya555 06/19/2013 9:42:16 amJun 19th, 2013

Already converted to latest minecraft
New cargo ship "Catherine" summoned
a water gate near shipyard
added new port

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07/31/2017 5:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
is this map built world wide covering the whole map or just most of it?
11/19/2014 12:52 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Nice, i have the map, but i've made some changes(wool to quartz conversion (A bridge from mattupolis (mattufin told me i could use it,glowstone to sea lanterns conversion...).
Anyway, it's bad you didn't continue the project...
Is this the seaport i can found in Engycity? Or is this an updated version of it?
11/19/2014 12:55 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
NVM, it's un updated version (cool) but is it compatible with the old map?
11/19/2014 9:33 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Bunny
No, not yet. Still need some measurement to make it fit with the engycity. 
i'm planning to replace the old seaport with this one, but some part of the seaport wont fit with the old engycity map. but you can try to add it
and i'm planning to replace some ship & some planes in that map with the newer ship.

I'm sorry i havent continue the project because College stuff.
11/17/2014 12:29 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Hey, are you the creator of Engycity map???
11/19/2014 9:37 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Bunny
One of the engycity founder, yes.
06/27/2014 7:12 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
hey I'm gonna use your paterns for a minecraft city harbor :) Thanks for all the hard work
If you want you can come help implement them?

kind regards,

phoenixtoerist (skype) mind the E in toerist
06/19/2013 9:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lllllllove it!!! i was the 15th diamond!! love it
05/15/2013 8:42 pm
Level 1 : New Architect
Hey Evan, lookin' good. Is this where you're building now-a-days?
05/16/2013 12:31 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Bunny
oh sheep!

btw i stopped playing mineraft for awhile. bored.
