Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Enlarged Grass Block Survival

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NateT_Bird's Avatar NateT_Bird
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
This map is freely inspired by Skyblock. The basic idea is, you are on a large Grass Block floating in the sky.

This map contains: 25 challenges, A Zombie dungeon, Some ores in the Grass Block, 3 Mob Spawners in the Nether, a Nether Block, and some treasure chests. Your main objective is to survive.

1: Never play on peaceful (Hard is recommended).
2: Don't cheat. (this includes using commands, hacking in items, changing gamemode, etc.)

Additional Notes

The 25 Challenges: (also listed in a book on the grass block)
1: Make an infinite water source.
2: Build a Cobble Stone generator.
3: Build a House.
4: Build a Zombie Grinder.
5: Craft full Iron Armor and Tools.
6: Visit the Nether.
7: Build a Melon farm.
8: Build a Wheat farm.
9: Build a Carrot farm.
10: Build a Potato farm.
11: Build a Pumpkin farm.
12: Build a Sugarcane farm.
13: Build a Cactus farm.
14: Breed Cows.
15: Breed Chickens.
16: Breed Pigs.
17: Breed Sheep.
18: Craft a Bed.
19: Craft Mushroom Stew.
20: Go fishing.
21: Make a Cocoa Bean farm.
22: Breed Mooshrooms.
23: Make a Snow farm.
24: Make a Nether Wart farm.
25: Brew some Potions.
CreditInspired by Skyblock
Progress100% complete

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02/06/2020 2:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ana-MellCamacho's Avatar
10/19/2018 6:15 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
fortnitesucks's Avatar
what version?
04/19/2016 5:31 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
TastyGamerCookie's Avatar
Little late but decided to do a let's play on this very interesting map!
06/14/2014 8:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Jesindude's Avatar
Its such a fun map but its a bit easy, use less diamons.
other that that it is so much fun.
06/14/2014 11:30 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
NateT_Bird's Avatar
Thank you. I did not want to make this map too hard. If you want a challenge you should try my new map "Superdark Survival" lots of people are having a very hard time with that map.
06/28/2014 4:18 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Jesindude's Avatar
Thank's for the idea.
I always like a challange
02/25/2014 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Riverstarship's Avatar
Looks awesome! Would you mind if I did a playthrough of it?
02/25/2014 4:41 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
NateT_Bird's Avatar
Thank you.  Go right ahead and do a playthrough of it.  You should post a link to the playthrough here.  I enjoy watching others play my maps.
