This Map is an entry in the completed To The Stars Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Ezekiel - To the stars contest entry

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Ezekiel - To the stars contest entry

Ezekiel, Synthetic Solar System

Hi everyone! and welcome to my To the stars contest entry!
I've tried to use the environment of the map to it's full extent,
and personally i think i've succeeded, take a look yourself!

Click to reveal

December 2013: First Colonists are sent to Mars
January 2014: Colonists stumble on an object which allows FTL (faster than
light) travelling speed
February 2014: Due to the disovery of FTL, mass-exploration to the closest solar
system have started
February 2014: Mass-colonization has started towards Neafora, the clostest solar system.
March 2014: Diggings on the 4th Neafora planet have resulted in a new material:
Tritinium. Tritinium is syntheticably manufacturable, cheap, 5x as strong as Titantium and
is just about the same weigth as aluminium.
June 2015: Gas and oil are still being used, however the earthen sources are almost depleted,
tritinium devices are used to harvest gas from gas-pockets and from even the sun itself.
August 2016: Golden Interstellar times, economy has skyrocketed, colonization is going great.
June 2020: The last summer, the sun's gas has been harvested too much.
December 2020: The Horror Winter, 30% of the earth's population has died due to the cold winter.
Alaska, parts of Canada and Syberia are unhabitable at winter.
January 2021: German, Chinese and Russian attempt to fix the situation. Project Ezekiel has been
born. Americans do not participate due to amount of money there is to win in neaforan colonization.
June 2026: Project Ezekiel has been finished.
August 2026: Russians take hold of Earth, due to the fact that Ezekiel was mainly developed by russians.
Participating countries under Ezekiel join under the newly established Cyrillian empire.
October 2026: American-Cyrillian war. Earth is being moved with the help of the Ezekiel project. contact is being cut.

I felt it, a warm ray of heat. I was standing outside when my friend just told me Ezekiel was turned on, I could not believe it,
within minutes several minutes i felt the nostalgia of how a summer used to be. Warm.

Click to reveal
Ezekiel Develpment logs:
Translation complete, several corrupt datafiles located, unable to read.

Ezekiel is a synthetic solar-system complex.
With the establishment of the Ezekiel project, 4 giant arrays have been established to heat earth as the sun used to do.
The arrays are a self-sustaining powersource, we use%DATAFILE CORRUPT ERROR0700EF%

The 4 arrays are a gravital source, holding the earth perfectly still and making it spin around it's axis as it's inteded to do.
This is achieved due to%DATAFILE CORRUPT ERROR0700EF%

Weapon details: %DATAFILE CORRUPT ERROR0700EF%

Ezekiel 5:3
"Then my anger will cease and my wrath against them will subside, and I will be avenged. And when I have spent my wrath on them, they will know that I the LORD have spoken in my zeal."

Additional Notes

First of all; for the best experience with this map use either one of these TP's:
Pflaff's (Used for exterior rendering)
SMP's 2263

Secondly, here's a list of 'thank you!' even though i made the build
myself, these people helped me alot with the presentation or gave me
the courage and strength to finish it
- MotherEarth for the beatifull banner and renders
- Abycia for helping me alot, a real friend!
- Ragnur_le_barbare, For helping in my goal to make sci-fi
builds more common around MC!
- And every single one of my subscribers!

Thirdly, Here's a blog on Mcedit and a video about the development of one of the relays:

And again, Thanks guys! If you have any feedback, comments, or what i should add to it,
Just say so! I also dont mind if you send me a personal mail!

Oh, and the third picture is a carrier defending Earth :)

CreditAbycia, MotherEarth
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Neroxyl 11/30/2013 7:34:03 pmNov 30th, 2013

Will be implemented in a new world, might take a long long while to see a new release of Ezekiel though!

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10/21/2015 11:46 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Toast
Absolutely amazing!!!!
Mine Maus Craft
06/07/2015 3:09 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
I like the shape of it and btw pic number 2 is broken. :-)
12/01/2013 5:35 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
this is amazing, like all of your submissions; although incredibly big. Might I suggest possibly doing the space structure seen in the movie Elysium. It would look amazing and would justify the current sizes of submissions you do... Food for thought =)
12/01/2013 6:06 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
The building from elysium is really difficult to make because of the limited heigth, but i might try!
12/02/2013 3:23 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
well you don't have to make it that big; but if someone can it would be you or Ragnur le Barbare. Anyways great job.

Unfortunately I don't have the heart to download all your projects because of how big they are and my poor minecraft can't even reach the end of the ship =( lol
12/02/2013 5:42 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Thanks! - You should though, else you'll get decimated like the sheep >:D
10/13/2013 7:35 pm
Level 49 : Master Wolf
From above, it looks like Elysium, which is awesome.
05/01/2013 4:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
Amazing Nero, you should have put your server IP up.
Military Minecraft
04/30/2013 8:51 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Hey Nero, I know you are competition but this is cool and I wanted to wish you goodluck, Diamond and subbed it! :)
05/01/2013 8:55 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Thanks! i really appreciate it! (P.S I've played CNC3 to oblivion n.n)
