Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[Factions Spawn] New Grounds Covered (Download)

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Level 77 : Legendary Creator
This is a free, ready-to-use factions spawn with tons of features! In the download folder you can find schematics to paste the spawn into your own world,
or you can just use the world file with the spawn built-in,
so you don't have to do any terraforming yourself!
In the download folder you can also find a schematic with a simpler version of the spawn, which you can use for anything you want, such as a survival spawn!
Please leave some feedback and appreciation if you like this spawn!

More screenshots: Imgur

What features will you find in the download folder?

- A relatively simplistic 90x90 play-ready factions spawn.
- 3 buildings with useful functions.
- A built-in version of the factions spawn with perfectly terraformed surroundings.
- Beautiful flowers in the surrouding environment.
- A vanilla world; Seed: 6875594966852394948, Spawn coordinates: -20 79 -2111
- A schematic version of the factions spawn.
- Enchantment tables with level 30 enchantments, as well as low level enchantments.
- A workshop with furnaces, crafting tables, chests, anvils, brewing stands and more.
- Plenty of room for loot and voting crates.
- 4 reasonably sized info boards.
- A small pond to relax and catch some fish.
- A shop with over 100 spots for signs and item frames.
- 16 shops with buy and seel signs on the first level, and 28 shops with only one sign.
- One blacksmith house that could serve for any purpose.

What are you allowed to do with it?

- Use it for yourself.
- Use it for servers.
- Modify it, if you credit me as original creator.

What can you not do with it?

- Claim you've made this.
- Redistribute this map.
- Modify it, and then distribute it.

Additional credits: Jaapie172 (He helped me with building the shop, and added some details.)


Discord: Springstof#0147
Portfolio preview: Imgur
Free downloads: PMC
Twitter: @SpringstofMC
Progress100% complete

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11/21/2020 10:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I cant dowload, the adfly link is broken...
11/21/2020 12:26 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Creator
EDIT: I updated all download links on my profile in September 2021, the link should now work for everyone! The direct link has been removed from the description.
10/02/2015 4:37 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Job well done!  ;)
10/02/2015 4:47 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Creator
10/02/2015 3:41 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Very cool, indeed!
10/02/2015 3:50 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Creator
Thank you very much ;D
