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As a little side project to compliment my Pokemon Sprite Museums, I find random Fakemon (Edited PokeSprites) Sprites and make them in Minecraft. The sprites will most of the time include a Timelapse video of them being built with most of their screenshots edited in Photoshop just to make them more pretty. 

Want to keep up-to-date with all my timelapses as well as see some of my other video game commentaries? (Feedback Appreciated!
) www.youtube.com/TheJimmyJojo7

Check out PokeCraft on FaceBook: www.facebook.com/PokemonMinecraft

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMoQwV67ciU&feature=plcp
Completion time: Approx. 40 mins
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Porytron Trio

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCK5p7Dlk0M&feature=g-upl
Completion time: Approx. 60 mins
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Groudon Freeman

Timelapse: https://www.youtube....h?v=2AMfrqkE5uo
Completion time: Approx. 50 mins
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Captain Jack Swellow

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.c...o&feature=g-upl
Completion time: Approx. 45 mins
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.c...o&feature=g-upl
Completion time: Approx. 1 hours
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Primeape Kong & Mankey Kong

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=C1Bb7XjPn2M
Completion time: Approx. 1 hours
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Pokemon Team Fortress

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=jpHq7Bas2GI
Completion time: Approx. 7 hours
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Robot Rapidash Attack

Timelapse: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=XoeyEJJ1qYc
Completion time: 30min
Original Image: http://forums.gtsplu...php?t56790.html
Mewtwo (Armor)

Original Image: http://forums.pokemo...?showtopic=1615
Tyranitar (Dark)

Original Image: http://forums.pokemo...?showtopic=1615

Original Image: http://forums.pokemo...?showtopic=1615

Original Image: http://forums.pokemo...?showtopic=1615

Original Image: http://forums.pokemo...?showtopic=1615
Credit | Strange Bean - Sprites Creator http://forums.gtsplus.net/index.php?showtopic=56790 |
Progress | 100% complete |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by Jimmy Jojo7 10/05/2012 9:14:54 amOct 5th, 2012
Added newest sprite : Toadloom
- Updated video with newest timelapse
- Added image and links in description
- Added image to the reel
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