Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Fictional Japanese Aircraft Carrier - 朱雀 (Suzaku) - 2022 Rebuild

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Sailor
2022 Rebuild!

Or 'An answer to the question: What is unique about Japanese carriers?'

AU Profile: Later members of the Izumi-class also saw themselves being converted into two types of aircraft carriers during the 60s, the first being the 朱雀 or Suzaku-class. The design of this class followed in the footsteps of Japan's earlier fleet carriers, Akagi and Hiryu, and featured a port-side island, heavy batteries of anti-aircraft guns, and spacious hangar spaces.

Original battleship build can be found here.
Hybrid battleship-carrier build can be found here.
Flugdeckkreuzer build can be found here.

Class Overview
Izumi class (Suzaku sub-class)
Yokosuka Dockyards
Kure Naval Dockyards
Sasebo Naval Dockyards
Maizuru Naval Dockyards
Imperial Japanese Navy
General Characteristics
Aircraft Carrier
451 m at water-line
463 m overall
51 m at water-line
75 m overall
10.5 m
24 improved Kampon boilers, driving 6 steam turbines
six 4-bladed propellers, 5 m diameter
32.5 knots
As built:
32 × 15 cm/60 Type 5 kai-ni guns (16 × II).
48 × 10 cm/65 Type 98 kai guns (24 × II).
76 × 5 cm/65 Type 5 guns (38 × II)

650 mm side armor, inclined 15 degrees
300 mm armored deck
Aircraft carried:
25 Yokosuka R2Y Keiun
50 Mitsubishi A8M Rikufū
50 Kyūshū J7W Shinden
50 Nakajima J5N Tenrai
Progress100% complete

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09/04/2023 5:12 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Warrior
Quite big.
05/10/2023 10:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Focusing on rebuilding ships? (I would have asked on the Seiryu (2023) post, but comments disabled. So meh)
05/12/2023 12:56 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sailor
Oh, did I disable the comments o.o
I didn't realise. XD Gonna reenable them now :) And I'll mix new and old ideas together. I really want to move towards building some British-style ships, to be honest.
05/14/2023 12:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Then why don't you do it?
Sure Japanese-style ships are cool but if you keep working on the same one over and over again, you'll get bored quick.
And you also still have those projects that's under consideration.

Or, you can just build more fictional ships
05/15/2023 4:25 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sailor
Oh, I like working on them, you see (so boredom's not an issue XD). Part of the reworking is also the practice with things like hull lines. I still can't say I have underwater hulls quite right (cause they're still a bit hit or miss for me, at least according to what I see when I build them), so the practice and the comparison afterwards is quite invaluable to me.

And I'm actually in the process of bouncing between a few different projects, including a British super-battleship to rival my Izumi-class :)

And I will confess the projects under consideration is really just a list to remind me of interesting historical projects to use as reference material. I find I prefer to interpret a lot of designs rather than stick to them exactly - so you'll probably see a lot of 'inspired-by' ships, rather than any that fit that list exactly. (I only figured this out after building for a while after making the list, so I probably should change the description at some point)
05/15/2023 6:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Ah, noted, I'm looking forward to see the British super battleship, and i wish you luck with your builds. (Underwater hulls are pain, I've tried making one and failed spectacularly)
