Minecraft Maps / Other

Finish The Story & Do Not Laugh Map!

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  • 448 downloads, 0 today
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Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
This map was inspired from SkyDoesMinecraft. I was watching Finish The Story & Do Not Laugh and wanted to see if there was a download so I can play the map, but there wasn't. My brother and I worked on this map so there can be acess to the public. Enjoy this map from TheBudderBros!
CreditLuc4449; dan9827
Progress100% complete

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02/16/2015 10:45 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hey. I couldn't play ur map because everytime I went into it, I would just fall into the Void and die over and over again. This was on my Windows 7. When I downloaded it on my mac, it was fine. Can you fix this? Thanks.
