Minecraft Maps / Other

Flemish Neo-Gothic castle in an autumn forest

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Level 44 : Master Architect
Hey guys, today I uploaded a video of me building a neo-gothic castle in an autumnal forest, as a one year anniversary video for my YT channel.
It's based on the Ryckevelde castle on the outskirts of Bruges in Belgium. I hope you enjoy the build and the video as I spent a lot of time on it, sadly I couldnt get it out for halloween.
For this build I used:
- Fall Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/default-style-fall-pack/
- WBC Builds texture pack: [style i=false size=12px]https://discord.gg/nhfQ4dSW[/style]
There isn't a download, don't ask.

Feel free to join my discord to stay up to date with stuff:
Progress100% complete

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11/18/2021 4:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
make The Castle of the Counts Gent it would be a nice challenge
11/13/2021 9:10 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
This is very beautiful, I also love your amazing forest with custom trees
