Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Floating Island Market Spawn

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OddWhirled's Avatar OddWhirled
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
A very pretty floating island with a marketplace that I made. This would make a great server spawn for a small server! (or even a big one) The main lodge is a house made by Keralis, not me. Everything else was hand-made by me though.

Things to note:
  • There is a fireplace inside main lodge that is ready to be lit. Just make sure you have "/gamerule doFireTick" set to false before you replace the torch with real fire.
  • The entrance to the underground mushroom area is SUPER SECRET! (not)
  • Nothing is furnished so you can use the main lodge and the market stalls for whatever you like. I suggest making them into spawn shops or letting players use them.
Progress100% complete

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11/01/2015 12:33 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
FearZfuZZy's Avatar
so you can spawn them in and its more of a player town :D
11/19/2014 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
robbieren75's Avatar
looks cool, but no villagers.
