Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Flying city of New Haendel

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
This awesome video presentation was brought to you by Intersensus
Check out his youtube channel !

After about 3 month of hard work, I'm proud to show you my last island: The city of New Haendel. It's the capital city of the empire of Accalis, here you can find the Crimson throne, and the strongholds of the NAF and the SAE (North Accais federation and South Accalis Empire) which are fighting for the control of the whole Accalis region. The city has been founded on a really ancient colony. Some says that this colony is older than the Accalis country itself.
As a capital city, every features of the modern life is present: two ports are here to welcome visitors and merchants, with a gigantic underground gallery network. Some streets of the city even have sewers, and a free acces to water., Two strongholds ensure the protection of the island against foes, and the ruins of the ancient fortress of the island can also help defense.
Before the city became officially the capital city of Accalis, it was famous for its archeology discoveries; some legends say that the remains of an antic civilisation are burried in the heart of the island. Unfortunately, the only guy who knew anything about that disappeared misteriously.

After the rpish presentation of the island, here is the technical approach:
This build took me an enormous amount of time (about 300 hours in 3 month I think), as all the builds in the city are unics (but the towers) and have an ensemble of steet I made bloc by bloc ^^. Some villagers decided to settle in the houses near the port, you can choose to kill them or to let them live, if you preffer a flying ghost town. I also added a lot of easter eggs, but didn't make the interiors ofthe houses, because I suck at making interiors, and because of school I don't have time for that. One building is from TOK mod, but I don't remember wich one. It was from the first game I made on the island and I decided to let it on the village because it fit good. I modified it, but if you find wich one it was pm me
Because I was bored, I decided to make also some kind of underground river network, so normally if you look in a waterfall you will be able to swin to the source.
And ALSO, I put a bunch of easter eggs in the island. and little treasures everywhere. Just read the written books you may find in the houses to find clues ;) The ones who are able to pm me the secrets password hidden in the map will have the name written of the WALL OF FAME. Those who are able to tell me who was the antic civilisation Will have their names written on the WALL OF ARCHEOLOGISTS (only the ten first to tell me will, though) good luck !
If you find errors, things I forgot to put or fire damages on the island please tell me, I'll fix it.
I really hope you'll like it. I'll make the interiors of the buils when I have time. Also, this city will be featured in a gigantic adventure map I'm planning to make.
Have fun !
Edit: Thank you for the reel ! Also I changed the picture, didn't like the former one
Dont forget to subscribe if you like air stuff ! I have plenty of others !
Also, feel free to diamond
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Apimil 11/10/2012 8:34:07 pmNov 10th, 2012

Added a video by intersensus !

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09/06/2017 4:32 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
Hello Apimil, its me again I've gone and setup a better server this time, its nowhere near finished, but i was wanting to add this as a sky world to our server! its and amazing world, and we would love to have it.
09/22/2017 7:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Yes I give you full authorization, I'd like to see the server also :)
09/24/2017 4:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network

version 1.12.1

will only be up there for a while, were changing hosts soon
04/25/2014 1:07 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
04/25/2014 3:13 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
THX :)
04/15/2014 5:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
love this map, also is there a few exits in the ruins as i am trapped lol
04/18/2014 1:26 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
You mean the underground ruins ? there is an underwater exit, and also a hole in the roof with some wine to climb, somewhere.
04/03/2014 1:43 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Nice build man +1 Diamond, Subscribed , Favorite :D
04/03/2014 1:43 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Thanks ! :)
04/03/2014 3:15 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Looks very good. For my eye the city could deserve a little more variation in block types and build styles. It looks great but all corners look equal. I know its hard to change afterwards, but i hope take this as "goodwill" critic for your next projects i cant even await!

Now take my Diamond.
