Minecraft Maps / Other

Freightliner Cascadia, Gilmyr transport

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Level 87 : Elite Mythical Pegasus
Hello all :) Built a Freightliner Cascadia truck, with a Gilmyr transport trailer. Gilmyr Transport is a trucking company based Quebec.

All my builds are free of use with credit

Notice: This is built in 1.21, banners, and other blocks may not copy over with other versions

Notice: Make sure to use //paste -a to ignore the air blocks
Also make sure to do //perf off
Progress100% complete

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01/12/2025 12:45 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cow Farmer
Newer version of the old one to be honest I looked at the old one compared to this and wow it looks so much better than the old one but I still like both the old and new one that you've built :D
01/12/2025 10:53 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Fish
