Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

[Full interiors] Seaside castle with surrounding town and more - Caeltar

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  • 55 downloads, 1 today
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Level 46 : Master Architect
These lands belong to house Caeltar. The lands are very fertile and beautiful. House Caeltar were very loyal bannermen to the Drogovid empire, but they too were attacked during the Oshuzrak war. Near the castle there is another ruined keep and village that was never recovered during the war. Luckily the main castle itself has been spared and now a new town has risen up near the castle.
Castle Caeltar is now another farming house for the Pirate Coalition. With a manor and a small fortress to look after the farmlands. Unfortunately soon this family might be devastated once again because war is coming. Very close by there is an army stationed at the Molten City, formerly known as Artath. They are Drogovid’s new army and are marching to take back both The Vale of Bundon and Sanctus from the pirates.

Currently the Lord and the Lord’s Son are at Sunpool Castle together with the pirates to discuss strategy. Also there is noticeably still a Drogovid Church at the town of Caeltar, this one was never torn down, perhaps out of fear that one day the Drogovid Empire would return.

Download Info:
Castle Caeltar along with the entire world of Planet Spero is available for download. Planet Spero currently has 6 continents with over 80 builds including 4 cities, castles and much more. The 6th continent is currently being added to over time (about once a week). Everything has full interiors
Keep in mind that some parts in the background are not included yet!
Here is the download on my patreon:
The Coordinates to this build are:
-2476 100 -3252
Progress100% complete

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