Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Giant Gothic Cathedral of Saint Nicholas

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TheChurchesGuy's Avatar TheChurchesGuy
Level 40 : Master Architect
St. Nicholas Cathedral is a German Catholic church, radiant Gothic style.

It's a giant temple with a beautiful baldachin and two organs, the largest organ and the choir organ, located in the choir stalls. The cathedral can accommodate 4,000 people seated and standing the same amount.
The beautiful stained glass windows let in light.

Three facades are identical, except it in the main, the towers are taller and have 18 bells.

Cruise The dome was replaced by a glass dome that lets in the light. The cathedral has access to the naves, the clerestory, towers and roof.

In the header is the royal chapel. At the foot of the temple are the two baptismal chapels.

Additional Notes

The ultra high central nave is 64 blocks tall and towers nearly double. 280 deep and 150 wide, to a volume of approximately 7,000,000 blocks.

The main materials are:

Sandstone, brick, cobblestone, glowstone and glass.

Ready in two weeks.
Progress100% complete

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01/11/2018 9:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Szara_Eminencja's Avatar
What resource pack did you use?
12/05/2013 8:07 pm
Level 45 : Master Mage
vintageblocks's Avatar
nice build, but as jefe070 said, there could be more block variety.
11/26/2013 2:39 pm
Level 41 : Master Engineer
jefe070's Avatar
looks good, but could use a bit of block variety
11/26/2013 2:15 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Artist
CraveMC's Avatar
This is an amazing build, do you think you could build me a prison for a prison server??
