Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Grand Mountain - Realistic Massive Landscapes

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Sailor Nerd
Hey everyone!

It has been a long time since I posted something here, but I frequently check-up. While I deeply enjoy creating structures like ships, ocean liners, skyscrapers, and houses, I have always had a long-term fascination with nature and the beauty it holds.

While incorporating the love of nature and Minecraft is and always has been absolutely doable, the effect of massive sprawling landscapes with distant snow-capped mountains, winding rivers, lush forests, and desolate deserts, has never been achievable---until now.

With distant horizons absolutely blowing up the Minecraft world, we can now create these realistic massive maps, while being able to see vast distances, allowing for the cinematic effect I and many others have always dreamt of.

The map I have been working on for the past few months contains all of the dramatic awe-inspiring landscapes that have always captured my eyes, in Minecraft. A feature that I feel has been lacking in this realm of creation and not taken advantage of to its full extent in combination with Distant Horizons, is the height limit increase. Allowing for absolutely towering mountain peaks.

With this map, I have dedicated a lot of time to the importation of real-world heightmap data from Yosemite, Glacier, and Grand Canyon National Parks as well as much of my own landscapes to create a truly realistic and beautiful map.

While I am not pressuring myself to put the map out there(and there is still lots to do) I simply felt proud to show some screenshots of my most recent export from World Painter and wanted to show everyone.

Again, nowhere near being done, but I feel that this last export, which I have done many times to see if I like how the scale and distant view of how the geography works, looks, and molds together, is near completion.

Please feel free to comment how you feel, what you think could be added, and if there are any biomes or ideas you think I should incorporate if I haven't already, LET ME KNOW!!

Biomes already included but are not limited to:

Snowy/frozen rivers, forests, hills
Snow-capped mountains
Great Plains
Red Desert
Salt Flats
Raging rivers
Waterfalls (many)
Frozen Lake
Progress80% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by REVENOUS 11/18/2024 10:37:15 pmNov 18th

Done massive amounts to the map:

-finished almost all the geography
-went through and layered river edges, river beds, lake beds, and terrain for respective biome, updated mountain rocks, added boulders, and painted almost all the trees/bushes.

Still need to add more variation in the plains area and correct some exporting issues from world painter and heighmaps

I added some more pics for everyone to see!

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12/08/2024 11:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Can i download it? Where?
12/01/2024 6:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Where can i find the seed?
11/25/2024 4:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
11/20/2024 5:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
can i downloaad the map?
11/19/2024 7:36 am
She/Her • Level 1 : New Miner
Looks outstanding. Always love the detail of these maps. Keep up the good work!
11/05/2024 5:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Я бы хотел получить доступ к этой карте.
