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How to find on server: /warp gratlingen

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Level 29 : Expert Architect
A small village on the server Minevaria.

The most work is done by myself, Palando built the church, the first house was built by RobotK95 and continued by me, the tower was built by Zohan_Dvir and Phantom_Fatoush.

There are some houses, a small church, a temple, a tower, a wooden bridge and even a metro station below.
You can download some of the houses here:
EN: About the village Gratlingen on our website
DE: Über das Dorf Gratlingen auf unserer Homepage

The complete village can be visited on the server.
Homepage: minevaria.trafority.de
IP: mv.trafority.de
Warp: /warp gratlingen
Progress100% complete

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08/17/2012 9:20 am
Level 41 : Master Pixel Puncher
Gratlingen enriches Minevaria a lot! However I only built the Church.
